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Coach Ramos stayed later a few minutes to introduce Annie and Asher. Annie wore her lucky basketball shorts, a slim fitting t-shirt, and her favorite sneakers.

Asher had come a few minutes early to watch the girls, mostly to just pick up on how good they were. They were shooting mostly, Asher didn't know which one Annie was but one girl managed to never miss. The girl was light on her feet, but secure in her stance.

Coach Ramos dismissed the other girls and as they all slowly made their way out, he called over one girl to Asher. Asher hadn't brought his proper clothes for playing basketball because he didn't think whatever work they did today required it. The girl was the one who he suspected, and he noticed as she got closer she was slightly sweaty.

Asher noticed that she seemed much more alive, like she thrived off of playing basketball. "I'm Asher." Asher held out his hand and her eyes lingered on it for a split second before finally returning the handshake.

"Annie." She told him. He wondered if she knew that he asked about her. "You're gonna train me?" Asher nodded in reply.

Ramos caught their attention by clearing his throat. "Asher today I want you to go one on one with Annie, see her weaknesses so you can work on them." Asher nodded again, glancing over at Annie who was looking at the ground. "Annie, I hope you can be as hardworking with Asher as you are alone. I really want you on the travel team."

Annie looked up at him and then at Asher. "What if I put in more work than he does?" Asher almost glared at her but kept his composure.

"Asher has been playing basketball forever, big basketball family, so yes it may come easy to him but that doesn't mean he doesn't work just as hard as you. I chose him as the varsity captain because he does notice little things like weaknesses. He'll notice yours and work on them with you."

Annie finally nodded. "I'm game when you are." She said to him, looking him up and down. Coach Ramos left and Asher looked down at his basketball shorts—really lucky he wore those today, and he peeled off his shirt. "What are you doing?" Annie grabbed the ball and began mindlessly dribbling.

"I don't want my shirt to get sweaty and the guys are always shirtless during practice." Asher told her before walking slowly over to her. He dashed one hand out in front of her and she dribbled the basketball behind her in retaliation before she turned and jogged away.

Today was gonna be a weird day.

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now