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Annie's seen Asher in a hospital room before, with his brother. She didn't expect she'd see him again in one, with her in the hospital bed.

They'd gotten the x-rays, and her family and Asher were there. It was now around ten or eleven, and Annie was being released to bedrest at home. Asher hadn't been able to get ahold of his parents because his family had gone to sleep two hours before because of their early flight. They said earlier that Asher could stay with the Angels if they allowed him to and madre had already offered.

So Annie now had a leg contraption cast thing (a/n: heh) and crutches. Asher, had given the crutches to Hayley, and gave Annie a piggyback ride to the car. He couldn't drive his own car home because he didn't have a full license and couldn't drive after 9 yet but Billy was gonna drive it to the LeBlancs.

That's what they were doing now. Madre was discussing rules like bedroom door stays open, Asher sleeps on the couch, and that the next day they would go to his house to get some clothes since he flat out refused to go to Arizona. She joked that it was on him because he'd have to help take care of Annie. Hayley had joked that she was handful, that she had helped her a lot despite Annie's perfectly good legs. "Now she actually has a reason to not get out of bed."

Annie had only turned to him, kind of excited and brought up bingewatching friends or the notebook with him. "Or high school musical?" Was all he said. She had smiled, and Asher had felt his heart skip a few million beats.

"Are you not upset about missing christmas with your family?" Annie leaned her head on his shoulder and asked. They still had time for Asher to change his mind, but he wouldn't no matter how much she tried.

"And miss watching netflix with you?" Annie had jumped up, clearly thinking of something.

"Christmas movies!" She broke out before turning to Madre in the front seat. "Paige is coming with da wittle baby!!! We get to make cookies!"

Asher loved seeing her like this, especially after the day they'd had. Seeing her cry when she was hurt had nearly broken him, all of the guilt and self hatred had come up but he had to remind himself this was all about Annie. He didn't have the right to make it about him. Now she was grinning and jumping around, and Asher just prayed that he could see her like this forever. This happy.

She turned to him and her smile faded into something more awe-like. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Annie asked and Asher smiled at her.

"He always looks at you like that." Hayley scoffed. Neither of them tore their gazes. "In case you haven't realized, you're dating and he's got it bad for you."

Annie suddenly became shy and looked down. "He literally skipped out on a vacation to Arizona for you!" Hayley exclaimed.

"Hayley stop." Madre came to the rescue because the young couple were turning red.

"It's okay." Annie eventually said, sliding her hand into Asher's. "I got it bad for him too."

A/N: christmas in june anyone? anyway hopefully this was cute. I think I'm going to finish off the story soon though, at most 40 chapters.

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