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Annie's first game was today. Their school asked players to dress up before every game so here she was in a white dress. Really honestly she should have known it wouldn't have been a good idea.

Because now the back of her dress was stained red.

Annie was minding her own business with her earbuds in and her tray walking to her normal spot of loneliness in the cafeteria. Then she was run into, and she felt liquid poor down the back of her leg. Annie turned around and the person who did it started apologizing profusely.

It caught other people's attention. The person who did it started saying they were shoved too and Annie's eyes fell on a girl. Peyton. Peyton seemed shocked but also humored.

"What's your problem." Annie set her tray down on a nearby table as she approached Peyton. "I've done nothing to you."

Peyton seemed to cower. "I didn't do it on purpose."

Annie shook her head. "No I think you did. Tell me why. Now." Annie was right in front of her when she stopped. "Is it about Asher?"

Peyton tensed. "It's not about anyone it was an accident." She snapped. Annie knew she was right. "Frankly though you deserve it, you've been rude to everyone here since your brother died. Maybe the first month it was a good excuse but now? No."

Annie didn't back down. "You did it on purpose. You did it because you still have feelings for Asher and you assume he likes me." Annie was thankful Asher didn't have B lunch.

Peyton once again snapped. "I don't have feelings for Asher, I'm dating someone else!"

"Oh and how did that come about?"

"What?" Peyton mumbled breathlessly.

"You broke up with Asher and a few weeks later and boom you're with his best friend. Did you plan that?"

"That's what Asher told you?"

"No Peyton, we don't talk about you or your boyfriend. I heard that from the whole school's whispers and comments. That's all I hear cause I'm the quiet girl who talks to no one, no one cares if I hear anything. Everyone talks crap about everyone, why do you think I prefer to not have friends?"

Peyton's smile quirked up. "Then what is Asher to you?"

Annie smiled even larger. "Why. Do. You. Care?"


Annie took a step back. A hand grabbed her arm. "Hey, I have extra clothes in my bag and we seem similar sizes. Do you want to get changed?" Annie turned and found a blonde haired girl. Annie recognized her as Lilia, a girl in her art class.

Annie nodded and said one last thing to Peyton. "He's not yours anymore, you can't punish any girl he hangs out with even if he was." With that Annie followed Lilia to the locker rooms.


Annie changed into black jeans and a crop top that only barely didn't show her stomach. It was cute, and far riskier than Annie would wear. She liked baggy hoodies.

She was sitting on a bench in the locker room when she realized what she'd be walking out to. "Everyone is going to be talking about me." Annie groaned.

Lilia was grinning at her. "You and Asher are really cute." Annie sputtered. "He looks different when he's with you."

"Different?" Annie cursed herself for being curious.

"Yes, different." Lilia stood up. "When he's looking at you it looks like there's no one else in a room. My friends and I have been wanting you to get together."

"Why?" The question fell out of her lips before she could stop it.

"Because you're opposites. Because Asher looks like he really likes you. Because you could make each other better people." Lilia paused. "Can I ask you something?"

Annie nodded. "Do you want to meet my friends?"


Wooooo so Will and Anna are gonna be introduced next chapter because their group is my favorite thing ever. Also Asher's obviously gonna find out about the fight, so stay tuned for that and the basketball game!

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now