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Practice went alright, Annie supposed. She learned a little, but Asher learned too much about her. He asked too many questions. She came there to get better at basketball, not talk.

The next day at school, Annie tried even harder to be invisible. But anything with Asher started going around school, it only made it worse that it involved Annie. Annie was never in any of these buzz worthy stories, so now? Everyone was shocked.

It was the same as when her brother died.

So Annie went to the library in her free time, and leaned her head down in class. It worked, until right before fourth period. She had her headphones in and was slightly bobbing her head to the music on the way to class when she realized Asher had been walking with her the entire time.

She took a headphone out. "Uhh what are you doing?" Annie asked and Asher looked at her in fake shock.

"Wow I'm actually cool enough to be acknowledged by you now?" Annie rolled her eyes with a slight smile. "I was wondering how long it'd take you to notice me."

Annie stopped and turned to him. With a small smile she pointed at the air between them. "See this? No?" Her smile faded. "It's my bubble. I don't look outside it, and people don't look inside it. That's the way it works."

Asher's eyes narrowed. "Really? Cause you seem to be looking right at me, and as you've pointed out I'm outside your bubble. Not to mention that I'm looking inside right now, I don't plan on stopping any time soon." Annie gave a defeated sigh before she began to walk again.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily." He told her, and Annie only scoffed. "You know what I think?"

Annie smiled sickily sweet at him. "No but I think you'll tell me."

"I think that was a weak try at getting rid of me cause you're starting to enjoy my company."

"You're delusional."

"No I'm Asher, and you're Annie."

The comment was just stupid enough to bring a small smile to Annie's face, though she tried to hide it.

"Wow." Asher said next and Annie's eyes widened as she realized what she had done. "You have such an adorable smile. You should do it more often, like all of the time never stop."

Annie looked down to hide her slight blush as they kept walking. "I'll see you at practice tonight. Be ready!" He called as he began walking in another direction to a different class.

What had she gotten herself into.

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now