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This was the last game of the season, and Annie's last chance to prove to Coach Ramos she would do well on the travel team. She had done well the entire game, and they were winning.

But then the worst thing that could happen, happened. A girl was talking junk as she was dribbling, and she spotted a chance to get passed her. She ran and jumped and shot. Then she landed, as they were celebrating the point and the team was moving to go back to the other side, she made a squeak of noise so pitiful one of her teammates turned. Annie was on the ground, her eyes tearing up. A whistle was called.

Her knee was screaming at her, and she was crying so hard she couldn't see clearly. "Annie, is it your ankle or knee?" She heard Coach Ramos ask desperately.

Annie let out a broken sob before she could say "Knee."

"Her ACL may be torn." She could make out Ramos saying to someone else. "Can you carry her to the nurse's office? I'm going to call 911."

She could feel someone helping her into a slight sitting position before putting one arm under her back and one under her knees to lift her. "I'm here." Asher whispered to her as he carried her. Annie wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him. The pain was still there but it comforted her knowing he was there. "I heard the pop from where I was." He said.

"There goes travel team." Annie whispered with a whimper.

"I'm sorry." Asher told her. He laid her down on the cot in the Nurse's office, sitting beside her on it. He wiped a tear away from her cheek. "Torn acl injuries are more common in girls, I should have taught you more about bending your knees when you land."

Annie brought herself into a sitting position so that she was facing him. She brought her hand to his cheek and said "It's not your fault."

"I have to leave tomorrow Annie. I'm not even going to be able to be there for you during the surgery. Maybe not for some physical therapy."

"I won't even be awake for the surgery." Annie tried to say but broke off and closed her eyes as another jolt of pain went through her.

"No. I have to stay." Annie's head shot up and she gave him a confused look. "I can see if I can stay with a friend or family member or something but I'm not leaving when you're going through this."

Annie shook her head. "You need to make as many memories with your family as you possibly can-"

"You're my family." Asher cut her off. "At least I hope you will be one day." Asher breathed out through his nose before continuing. "My family would support me in this. They know how important you are to me, how happy you make me."

"I love you." Annie whispered as she stared at him.

He stared right back. "I love you more." Was all he said before paramedics swooped in the room.

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now