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Annie didn't know how one would get ready for meeting your boyfriend's comatose brother. Would she dress casual? Nice? She kinda wanted to just go in what she went to sleep in, which was basketball shorts and the hoodie she stole from Asher last night.

Alas, the fates were on her side because Asher showed up way earlier than expected. Annie was making a smoothie when madre let him in. He was smiling at her as he took in her appearance. Was it the basketball shorts or the hoodie? Probably the hoodie.

"You look cute." He wrapped his arms around Annie, who got the kind of smile on her face that couldn't be easily removed.

"I look like a slob." Annie told him, pouring her smoothie into another cup.

"A cute slob. Let's go." Asher poked her side and Annie grabbed a straw.

"Dude I'm not ready!" Annie gasped.

Asher took a few steps back. He let his eyes drag from her sock clad feet to the top of her head. "Yeah all you need is shoes." He said with a smirk.

...Annie didn't know she could be more attracted to this boy.

God certainly likes proving her wrong.

Annie sighed and set down her smoothie before grabbing her shoes. She slipped them on and called out to Madre, letting her know she was about to leave.

Annie sipped through her straw and stared at Asher a little bit. He seemed different. Happier. But more than that, realer. "You know I'd tell you to take a picture, but considering I know you already have a few of me that doesn't seem to work." Asher spoke.

"Why would I look at a picture when the real thing is much better?"

Asher glanced at her with a grin.

"I wasn't expecting you to be this happy this morning." Annie told him honestly.

Asher stopped at a red light and his face lit up. "My brother woke up this morning."

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now