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they went inside of mcdonalds, and Asher eventually got the number meal out of Annie after he told her to find them a table. Annie wasn't sure which he'd prefer but she liked booths, they were easier to hide in.

Everything was going great, he brought back the cups and they got drinks. It was only when they both sat down did Annie realize something.

It looked like they were on a date.

She started literally choking on her drink and Asher looked humored but shocked. He finally asked "Are you okay?" Annie nodded reluctantly and Asher left to get the food.

How in the world...?

She started tapping her leg nervously. It wasn't a date...right? It was just a way to make good memories.

On a date.

Asher brought back the food and Annie started to chew on her fries. "You look stressed." Asher told her. "Is it because you've just realized you've got a major crush on me?" Annie looked scared now. "Cause it's perfectly understandable I do sing and look better than Zac Efron." He's joking. Oh of course. Heh.

Annie decided to retort "Oh please, have you seen Zac Efron?" Asher smiled as he noticed the tension in Annie's shoulders leave.

"Yep. Overrated." Asher told her, and any other moment Annie might have agreed but that'd just tell him she thought he was cute.

And she'd never do that.

So instead: she snorted.

Which on second thought was probably worse because Asher's face lit up like a christmas tree and Annie's cheeks turned bright red. She should have scoffed. Ugh.

"You're so cute." Asher told her as he sipped on his drink and Annie paused while eating a fry.

"Why are you so nice to me despite how rude I am to you?" Annie settled back in her seat as she asked.

"Because I know it's a front." Annie continued to stare at him. "Underneath your cold broody exterior, there's a girl whose terrified."

Annie scoffed this time. Good choice. "I'm not scared of anything." Asher looked at her as if he was weighing his words.

"You're scared of a lot of things. That's what the cold exterior is for." Annie's eyes narrowed.

"And I assume you're some strong guy whose gonna make me feel safe?"

"No. I'm just a very observant and persistent one. I can't make your fears go away, but we need to get you to soften a bit so you can get along better with your team."

Ah there it is. All to make her a better teammate. Annie swallowed as she realized that none of this was actually about her, but about making her a better basketball player.

Annie unfolded the tinfoil around her burger and began to eat in silence. It was a few minutes later when Asher spoke up again. "Annie?"

Annie lifted her head slowly. "You're a good person. You can go back." Annie blinked.

"No. I couldn't." She finally said as she finished her burger and went to the bathroom.

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now