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Asher couldn't breathe. One second he was sitting there watching Annie talk so prettily and the next it all hit him that in a way, the words were for him. Everyone was either staring at him or Annie because everyone knew. They knew.

And Asher knew. He knew now that whatever love story people get in high school, it wouldn't have been Peyton for him. It's going to be this girl, and Peyton wouldn't stop until he shut it down.

So, once he thought Annie finished, he stumbled out of the house and drove to he and Peyton's old place.
The place was haunted with the memories they had, and the last memory of their breakup. It was a small treehouse they'd discovered in the woods behind Asher's house.

Peyton was already there with tears streaming down her face. She let out a sigh of relief at the sight of him. Asher sat on the far side of the wall she sat near. "You have to get over me Peyton." Was the first thing he said, and Peyton began wiping the tears from her face.

"Because of Annie?" She asked helplessly.

"Because I have feelings for Annie." He corrected her. "Because I want to be closer to her, but your residual feelings for me are creating a space of doubt in her head. Because we're not good in a relationship. Because I want my best friend back and he's not going to be my best friend while he's jealous of me."

The one thing he hadn't admitted to anyone before. He missed Jack. A lot.

"Peyton." He called her name to get her to lift her eyes to him. "You only think you like me because it was easy with me. Jack's going through a hard time you can't—you can't give up on him. If I can't be there for him then you need to be."

Peyton nodded after a few seconds, and Asher began his descent down the tree. "Wait where are you going?" She called from above.

"I'm going to show Annie my favorite place in the world."

Peyton's mouth dropped open. "You never showed me that. She really means that much to you?"

Asher never answered, but they both knew it was a yes.


short chapter I know, but any of you have any guesses to where Asher's favorite place is?

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