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Asher was bouncing on the balls of his feet by the time they got to the floor his brother was on. It warmed Annie's heart. He was getting his brother back, and as much as she wanted her own back, she was excited for him. She knew that this meant a lot to him, because for one he could finally let the guilt go.

He found the room easily, and a few steps before was only when Annie realized she was going to meet Asher's family all at once. Everyone quieted the moment they stepped in. A woman Annie could only assume was Asher's mom sat in a chair, holding the boy's hand. The boy looked animated. His eyes were bright with life, and they met Annie's kindly.

Annie gave him an equally bright smile. "So they're telling me you're his girlfriend now." The boy spoke and Annie glanced at Asher who was looking down at her proudly.

"He didn't tell me much, but he hasn't stopped grinning or shaking with excitement since I first saw him." Asher slipped his hand into hers, lacing his fingers with her own. "I can't blame him though."

The boy looked at his brother and his mom before asking Annie another question. "You play basketball?" Annie opened her mouth but Asher answered for her.

"She's pretty good too."

Annie felt her cheeks warm. "Quit talking about me and go hug your brother." Asher grinned before dashing across the room. Annie took the time to notice the young girl at the other side of the bed, she looked to be around Hayley's age. There was a man standing near the Asher's mom, so she guessed it was his dad. Asher was hugging his brother and his brother patted his back like he was tapping out of a match.

"I came out of a coma, not from the dead." The boy gasped out and Annie blinked. She felt a punch to her gut, and everyone chuckled. Except Asher who rose and looked to her. Annie blinked once more and forced a smile to her face.

"Avi, this is Annie, Annie, this is Avi. That's London, and this is my mom and dad." Asher introduced them and stepped back to her side. "I used to play basketball with her brother..." Asher trailed off. "Caleb."

Asher's mom tensed. "Caleb LeBlanc?" Annie held her breath as Asher nodded. "I teach seventh grade, I taught him." She explained and looked at Avi with a broken look and then Asher and back to Annie. "He was a great boy." Everyone who didn't know about Caleb caught on at her last sentence and they tensed.

"Wow you two really are perfect for each other." Avi broke the silence. Annie and Asher turned to each other and gave uneasy laughs.

A/N: guys I wrote this but I had no wifi or data so I couldn't post it. Sorry it's pretty short but the next chapter will definitely still feature Asher's family and Annie! Btw something weird, Annie and Asher were in my dream. Asher was seriously hot and I remember thinking about that and then being like shoot nope he's dating Annie. anyway yeah hopefully y'all enjoy!

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