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Annie wasn't sure exactly how they did it. But in those two minutes of speaking, Annie told them everything they needed to hear.

"When 13 is running to go shoot, be prepared to go ahead and take it. She never waits for teammates. When 16 has the ball, somebody get on her and be prepared for her to try to go left. Now listen to me, I'm not captain. I'm a freshman. But I think we all need to recognize that we are a team. Each of us are important. When you get the ball, you see how far you can take it before you need help and pass to someone whose open if possible. Recognize your own weaknesses, and let your teammates help. I think we can get past this. Anyway I've said way too many words at once so somebody else start speaking."

Her team was quiet for a few seconds before someone spoke up. "I thought you were mute." She said in awe. Annie shrugged and not long after they started back again.

I'm not going to bore you with the details. Well actually I don't play basketball, I've watched it before. I don't know many terms and all I can usually comprehend is oh they've got a point and oh they're shooting and oh they're hurt. So I'm going to sum it up: they got points, Annie got six out of the 18 points, one girl fell but got back up and they won woo! Love my story telling and laziness huh.

Anyway, yes they won. Annie remembered the air of lightness she felt around her as they did, how she couldn't quit smiling. She remembered going up and hugging her team, and then hugging her family. She picked Hayley up in the air and twirled her before setting her down. She sighted Lilia making her way through the crowd and Annie ran and met her halfway. She hugged her and spotted someone over her shoulder waiting for her. She pulled back. "Thank you so much for coming, despite the fact that we just became friends today."

Lilia was grinning like a madman. "And miss the way you ordered around those girls? And miss Asher whispering to you before you did?! That was so cute by the way you're gonna have to tell me what he said. I'm so proud of you." Annie didn't know if her face was hot because of being sweaty or from blushing, she hoped sweating. "But I have to go cause I asked my mom to pick me up and I don't want her to wait." Annie could tell that wasn't the real reason.

The crowd was beginning to disperse, and her family went to the car to escape it. Annie went to grab her stuff and found Asher was sitting where it was. He had his elbows on his knees.


"Hey Annie—you did such a great job." Asher stood up and Annie found it funny that he seemed almost nervous. "I mean I knew you could do it, you just needed a little bit of encouragement-"

"What are you doing after this?"

Asher's mouth opened and closed a few times before he said "Nothing—why?" Annie picked up her stuff from behind him.

"I'm starving, and the team all agreed that if we won we'd go out to eat. You helped so I think you deserve it too." Annie told him and began walking, hoping he'd start walking with her. He did.

"I mean all I did was tell you some observations I don't deserve foo-" Annie grinned at him, making him stop.

"Can't you just accept my poor excuse for you to come eat food with us?" She elbowed him lightly.

He put on a thinking face. "That depends, where are we eating?" He gave her a grin just a wide back.


So I have a question: short and fast updates, or long and short updates?

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