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a/n: okay but that video on asher's story was so flipping cute.

The sleepover was going to happen friday night at Annie's house. The whole team was invited obviously and Annie's mom was a bit overwhelmed at the thought of that many girls.

It's wednesday, (my dudes) and Annie's drawing in front of her locker during a bit of free time. She's been trying it lately and she really enjoys the process altogether. Lilia's beside her, telling a funny story while she does so.

Asher drops down beside her, and when Annie peels her face away from her drawing, he's smiling at her like she's breath of fresh air. The thought makes her falter and she goofily smiles at him. "Hi Lilia." Asher says around Annie, and Annie finds her hands tightening on her pencil as she heart flutters. "You can keep talking if you don't mind me barely listening." He says and Lilia tilts her head in confusion.

"Why would you be barely listening?" She asks and Annie turns back to her drawing. It's an eye, and she likes the way it looks. She feels Asher's head fall on her shoulder and she can't help the smile that appears on her face. Annie feels warm and kind of tingly.

"Cause I'm too busy enjoying Annie's presence and watching her being talented." Annie scoffs at the last part and Asher pokes her side.

Lilia sighs and stands up. "I'm not gonna third wheel, I'm gonna find my own girlfriend thanks." She tells him teasingly with a smile and walks away.

Annie feels her heart start sinking in her stomach. Asher's laughing. A lot. Annie doesn't know why. "Aruggaaaaa" he says and Annie smiles at how weird he's acting. Finally she turns to face him and discards her notebook aside.

"Okay what's up?" Annie says, grinning. He's got that sweet goofy look on his face that makes Annie want to hug him forever.

"I'm just so lucky." He tells her and tilts his head, admiring her. "So so lucky."

A blush crawls up Annie's neck.

"I don't deserve you." He whispers, more to himself than anyone and Annie immediately is more alert. She lifts her hand to his cheek and raised his head to look at her.

"No." She says. "Sometimes I wonder if it's even possible for you to exist cause you're so perfect." Her thumb caresses his cheek.

Asher sucks in a breath. "You don't know everything about me." He tells her and Annie's eyes soften. "I-I'm not perfect."

Annie shakes her head. "No, but you're perfect for me." And she turns away from him like that's the end of the discussion, like there's nothing he can do to change or argue against that.

They sit there against the lockers in silence for a few more moments. "Do you want to meet my family saturday night?"

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