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Annie wasn't really sure why she was here. They just lost a game, then her parents were arguing and Piper started getting sick. So she came to Asher's spot.

So far, she'd been here for thirty minutes shooting baskets. She'd missed quite a few of them and it was making her frustrated so sat down against the basketball goal. It's been a few weeks since Asher got his brother back, and they'd been hanging out for practices but most of the time he was with Avi. It wasn't anything she could be mad at because if it were her she wouldn't leave Caleb's side.


The thought made her eyes tear up and she tried to blink it away. She missed him so much.

She heard a car coming by and straightened. She stood up as the lights came through. She grabbed her phone and was prepared to start walking away but she finally noticed it was Asher's car. The lights turned off and he came out in a white hoodie.

He didn't say anything, just came up to her and wrapped his arms around her. Annie linked her own behind his back and took a moment to appreciate the feeling. "Do you want to talk?" He said and Annie stiffened.

"Just a lot happened tonight I needed to get away."

Asher's arms tightened. "Why here?" He asked.

"Because it reminds me of you." Annie whispered into his shoulder.

He was silent for a few seconds before he said "Your mom called me freaking out. I texted your friends, and checked McDonalds. It was a stretch coming here, but I think a part of me hoped this would be our place, not just mine." He leaned back, and brought his hand up to her cheek.

The way he looked at her, like he was afraid and yet proud of her. Like...she held his heart and she could crush it if she wanted to. She swallowed. "A lot of the girls know that the plan is for me to be captain next year." She started to explain. "Ever since the first game, they look to me now. I see it, even Maddie sees it and she is captain. I think they know that basketball has always been second to Maddie, and that it's first for me. Tonight-" her voice cracked and she closed her eyes lightly.

"Tonight, Jayden got hurt. All of our plans went out the window, and they looked to me. I was clueless, and pressured and I failed. We lost." Asher's thumb caressed her cheek.

"You're still just a freshman." He told her softly. "You're expected to make mistakes." Annie's eyes opened and there was hurt there. She lifted her hand and pulled Asher's hand from her face, stepping out of his embrace.

"That's not the problem." She whispered from a few feet away. They both felt the distance, and somehow it was painful. "The problem is I'm feeling too much and the wrong things."

Asher was confused, and Annie could read it clear on his face. "They're selfish feelings, I know they are, and they're stupid but love makes you stupid right? Love is selfish."

Asher stepped forward and Annie stepped back. "I needed you." She whispered. Asher stiffened and Annie's shoulders crumpled in. "During the game, I needed you. After the game, I needed you. Love is selfish and I selfishly want to be with you all the time. I want you so much I can't breathe, standing here right now with you less than a few feet away from me. I miss you so much I can't think properly. But you've got your brother back. You need to make up time with him, not care about my feelings when we don't even know how long we'll last. Brothers are forever even if they don't live forever, so your brother comes first. I just-" Asher's face was pained, and Annie realized she was crying. Her hands were shaking and she closed her eyes tightly.

"I love you." It was Asher who said it first. He took a step forward, and this time Annie froze. Another step, and another until he was right in front of her. He latched both hands in hers without looking away. "We're forever too." He whispered before dipping his head and kissing her.

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now