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Asher took Annie back to party, and it was pretty much over. So Annie found Jayden and went to her house. They ended up crashing relatively quickly, but the next day Annie had a lot of fun with Jayden.

In the short time, they developed so many inside jokes and just understood each other better, and Annie realized that if the entire team did this than maybe they could work more coherently.

So that was what inspired her to talk to Coach Ramos about such an idea in team building. It was after practice Monday before Asher was supposed to come in and help her. Coach really liked the idea and by the time they agreed to bring it up next practice, Annie was grinning.

She felt like maybe she could do this whole leadership thing after all. She was nearly bouncing on her feet and after Coach left, Annie turned around to see Asher smiling at her. "You're so cute." Asher concluded.

He grabbed a ball and started mindlessly dribbling over to her. "What's got you so happy?"

Annie playfully glared before answering. "I just organized a huge team sleepover idea with coach for team building."

Asher held a hand to his chest as if he was wounded. "Gasp, it wasn't me." He joked and Annie laughed. "If this is how excited you get about sleepovers, imagine one with me." He joked again and Annie shook her head before making a move to steal the ball. He pulled it back.

"I could hang out with Hayley, my favorite Leblanc." Asher told her in reference to the sleepover. Annie gasped.

"My dogs come before Hayley. TAKE IT BACK." She pounded a hand jokingly on his chest, but she was kind of dead serious. Asher let the ball drop to the ground as he wrapped both arms around Annie's waist.

"Nope. It's you, Hayley, Piper, Gigi—"

Annie gasped again. "Don't choose favorites of my dogs!" Asher laughed, a deep throaty laugh that Annie could feel as her hands were on his chest.

"Fine." Asher said dejectedly. "It's you and then the rest of your family."

Annie let the smallest grin show through. "Speaking of families, when do I get to meet yours?" Asher smiled. His dimples showed and Annie let herself poke one. It made him grin harder.

"When do you want to?" Annie looked down and let her hair cover her face.

"Whenever is usually appropriate for relationships?" She answered with another question.

Asher smiled from ear to ear. "So we're in a relationship?" Annie looked up beneath her lashes with panic and tried to tear herself from his embrace to oh idk go die in a hole.

But alas, Asher held firm, she did manage to turn herself around so her back was to his front though. "Answer meeee" Asher sang.

Annie didn't know what more to focus on, his arms, his voice, or the fact that she wanted to die of embarrassment. "Actually I never received a proper question on the matter so I have no idea." Annie tried to play dumb.

"Annie." He breathed. "Will. You." Annie's heart started beating out of her chest. "Go. Out. With. Me?" He finally finished and Annie was officially dead and alive all at once.

"Yes?" Annie squeaked and Asher flipped her around.

"Was that a question or an answer?" He looked kind of amused.

And Annie did the bravest thing she perhaps could.

She kissed him.

First she set her hands on each side of his face gently and then leaned up. It was soft and slow and by the end of it Annie was smiling into the kiss. "Was that a question or an answer?" Annie asked as she tore away.

Asher leaned his head on hers. "If that was a question, then here's my answer." And he kissed her, harder and a tad faster this time but it knocked the wind out of her.

And when it was done, Asher let his arms fall from around her and he picked up the basketball and said "Alright now let's get started."

And that was that.

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now