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Annie was nervous for practice. She didn't know why, well actually she had a pretty good reason why but she's still in denial.

The other girls weren't practicing today so they were going straight into just her and Asher practicing. By the time Annie got changed, Asher was already out shooting. He seemed deep in thought, not having realized Annie was out.

Annie took the time to see him without his social mask. He seemed lost in himself, in shooting. He looked sad.

Annie recognized the feeling.

Annie deflected his shot and quirked a brow at him before running to the other basket. Asher's eyes seemed to light up and he was hot on Annie's heels. Annie shot and Asher went to deflect and Annie tried to stop him and one thing led to another.

Annie took a wrong step, she began to fall but she wasn't alone, and she was twisted but she refused to open her eyes as she braced for the fall. Now as cliche as this sounds, when she finally was sure she wasn't falling anymore, she opened her eyes and she was laying on top of Asher.

Asher's eyes were wide open, and he almost seemed to be holding his breath. Only once Annie let hers out did she realize she was too. "Are you okay?" Annie asked and Asher nodded. "Okay..." Annie still hadn't gotten up, why hadn't she gotten up? "Your eyes are really pretty." She told him and then closed her eyes as she realized what she said out loud.

Annie twisted to the side so she was laying on the floor beside him. They sat there for a moment in silence. "Annie?" Annie opened her eyes and turned to him, and he looked so vulnerable.

He leaned one arm on the floor and the other on the other side of her before he kissed her. She closed her eyes instinctively and after a second kissed him back.  He pulled away after like ten seconds and stood up quickly before grabbing the ball and giving her a hand up. Annie looked at the ground as Asher began to go over what they would work on today and Annie only half paid attention.

What the heck was that kiss?

Just a Game | ASHANNIE | ✓Where stories live. Discover now