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Asher made a huge mistake. One second everything was fine and the next those words came out of his mouth. His best friend's mouth.

They were walking down the hall. Everyone talked in quiet conversations at their own lockers. They were talking about girls, Asher even remembered pausing as a girl bumped through them with only a mumbled sorry. He remembered looking back and only seeing her gray hood pulled up.

"Hey uh Asher?" Peyton came up to them looking nervous. "I know he won't tell you so I will, your best friend and I are dating." Simple words. If it'd had been a month later, Asher wouldn't have cared. But he and Peyton broke up two weeks before.

So he took one look at his best friend, took in the guilty face he wore, and punched him in the mouth.

He was immediately sent to the Principal's office, and because he pretty much grew up with the Principal like a second father, he gave him the chance to keep this off his record. He told him he needed to get 180 service hours in order to wipe the record clean.

The first problem was where was he going to find the chance to get that many service hours. That problem was solved by Coach Ramos, who offered him a job to train an advanced girl in basketball. The second problem was that he had n o idea who this girl was.

He was given a name, Annie LeBlanc. Whenever he asked a freshman about her, they all said the same thing. She used to be really nice and into gymnastics. She lost her brother a while back and shut herself off from everyone. Now she's quiet, brooding, but a good basketball player.

Quiet and brooding sounds just like to him that she'll be hard to work with. It sounds like she'll be stubborn, stuck up. He knew he should be careful because she lost her brother though.

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