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And my heart sank to the bottom of the ocean.
It was her. Her and the damn principal.

I was frozen, I couldn't knock, I couldn't scream, I couldn't move at all.
And so I followed their voices until they were too silent to be heard again.
My eyes started tearing up, I was really trapped in here for the whole damn night.

At least nobody could hurt me this way. I begann walking up and down the room trying to think of another way. I could try to make the fire alarm go off, but that would draw so much attention. And especially hers.
She couldn't have left yet.

I couldn't leave through the windows. This was the second floor and the windows had locks.
I couldn't knock the door down, since that would result in a huge drama tomorrow and again draw to much attention.

I left my phone in my bag, to avoid being tempted to look at Snows texts.
My head still hurt.

I sat down at the teachers desk and imagined what if would be like, to stand in front of two dozen kids and explain science and art and music and literature to them every damn day.

Maybe I could try my hand at lock picking. I scavenged some desks until I found some hair pins. Then I tried sticking and turning them in the door lock. But nothing clicked or moved.

I gave up again. This damn school with it's damn locks and it's damn teachers. I was going to throw some chalk against the board when I heard someone pushing a key into the damn door.
Frozen again, I just stared as it opened and Mrs Dix entered the room.

She was a gorgeous openly gay and married teacher. I never had a class with her, but everyone knew and loved her.
When she spotted me her mouth opened in wonder and then she smiled.

" And what are you doing here? I assume you got yourself locked in?"

" YES, yes, thank god you're here. I thought I had to spend the night. "

I could force myself to move again and jogged towards her.

"What's your name dear?"

Her eyes scanned my body and stayed on my face longer than I liked.

" Katherine. I fell asleep during lunch break and someone locked me in."

" Hm well, good that I decided to step by then. "

She took something out of the front desk and smiled at me again. It must have been her classroom.

" Umm, my bag .. I'm sure its locked in too, could you...?"

" Of course, lead the way."

We stepped outside and she looked her class again. Then we walked next to each other to Mrs Blacks room, where I left my stuff.

" So, why where you in my class during lunch break?"

" Eh, I was .. avoiding someone.."

She chuckled.

" Sounds like that someone is pretty desperate to see you . A boyfriend? "

" Oh no. She's .. my teacher. "

A grin sneaked on her face and I could feel her staring at my blushing cheeks. I wonder if she saw it through all the make-up.

" How romantic. Hey don't you think you ow me something for saving you?"

" I guess so .."

She turned to me and grinned even more.

"Her name. Whoo is the lucky girl? .. Or woman."

I sighed in defeat.

" I can't back out of this right.. Mrs Snow."

" Ahh, the new one. I heard she called in sick after her first day here. But she seems lovely."

" Yeah, she is.."

" So then why hide from her? "

We had arrived at the room and she piqued one of her thousand keys to open the door. Then she watched me packing my stuff, while leaning against the door frame.

"We ..I need to protect her from something. "

Her smile disappeared and she blocked the door.

"If you need help, you can always come to me okay? I know we've never talked before but you can trust me.. if you can't talk to her, talk to me.."

She was searching for my eyes.
Just like she would.

" Okay, thank you. That's really nice. And thanks for saving me as well."

She put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm Rose. Come whenever you need to. Even when I'm in class. Just come in, alright? "

" Yeah, thank you."

She let go and smiled again.

"Have a nice day. Hope to see you soon."

" Thanks you too. Bye."

I flashed her my brightest smile and left. Her eyes were following me until I turned around a corner.

I couldn't believe it. The nicest teacher there is just saved me. Just when I thought all luck had left me.
Now I only needed to make it home.
Just one thing left for me to do.
One more thing.

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