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I turned around and was faced with a proudly grinning Hanna.

She lifted one eyebrow with a smirk to provoke me.


I turned back and kept walking.
Until I got hit again. The snow made its way past the scarf this time and I shivered.

Without turning, I squatted down and made a ball myself. But when I did turn around, my arm already up and ready to throw, I got a load directly in my face.

She laughed loudly and apologised at the same time. I heard her hurrying towards me, flinching at the stinging cold in my face.

When she was right in front of me I finally smashed my arm down and heard the snow hit her.
Then we both stood frozen for a while, until we started giggling.

Hanna was pressed against me, before I could finally wipe the snow out of my face.

One arm held my hips firmly, while the other took care of said snow.

"You okay?"

She asked, still chuckling softly.
Our faces were read, but I couldn't help the smile and nodded.

When she was done, her hand rested under my jaw, her eyes lovingly looking into mine.

I held the stare for quite a bit, then I caught a glimpse of her red lips. A smile started tugging at the corner of her lips and she came closer.

We kissed and my hands found their way to her back.

When we pulled apart, tiny little snow flakes had settled on Hannas hat.

"Let's go home."

I whispered under my breath and she nodded quickly, pushing the scarf back over my nose. Walking home, she took my hands and tried warming them up.


We weren't far from Hannas house, but the snow kept getting worse and by the time we stepped inside, one could barely make out the other side of the road.

The warmth hit me and brought dizziness. I pressed a hand against the wall and waited for it disappear.

Hanna was already halfway done with undressing when she noticed.


I gave her a weak smile.

"I'm okay. Just a bit .. exhausted."

She came closer and helped me take off my hat and scarf. Then she kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna make a hot cocoa. Take off everything that's wet or I'll do it."

I shivered and watched her leave for the kitchen, humming happily.
I got out of my jacket, shoes and socks.
My pants were slightly soaked at the bottom hemmings, but I felt discomfort at the thought of 'Taking them off'... to put it lightly.

My bare feet led me to the window, I put our shoes and socks under and on top of the heater.
Then the snow caught my attention and I stared into the endless white storm outside.

My heart sank, when Connor crossed my mind... how did he survive out there??

The lawn was completely covered already. Branches started bowing down under the weight...

I stared a little longer, trying to ignore the ache somewhere in my chest.
I stared so hard, I didn't hear Hanna coming in with two mugs. I didn't hear her putting them down on the table and sneaking up to me.

She just suddenly entered the corner of my vision and I jumped a little.
A warm smile brought me back to her side.

Her arm laid around my hips, pulled me a bit closer and stayed there as we both stared outside a while.

Then she whispered:

"The cocoa is getting cold.."

A quiet "Ohh.." escaped my lips and made her chuckle.

She dragged me to the couch and I fell with a dramatic sigh.
My legs ended up blocking the entire piece of furniture, so Hanna grabbed them, to move them aside enough, to sit.

But she froze in the middle of it.
Her eyes wandered to my face.

"You know I have other pants right?.. I told you to get wet clothes off.."

I turned my face away.

She sat down, pulling my legs on top of her lap. Her hands softly landed on my stomach.

A rush of fear made the skin under her fingers prickle.

Hanna started drawing circles with her palm and humming.

The prickle slowly eased away and a warm feeling started growing and spreading everywhere.

I didn't dare looking at her.

"The cocoa is still getting colder."

There was a pleading tone in her voice this time. And it caused my eyes to finally met hers again.

She looked sad.
Her free hand found it's way to my waistline and slowly opened my button.

My stomach went tense under her fingers and she seemed to get even sadder.

"It's alright. I'll just take these off and then go and get you a dry pair. You can trust me."

And so she did. With quick and gentle movements she pulled my trousers off and disappeared in the hallway.
Leaving me with the cocoas.

I took a sip, for distraction.
It wasn't as cold, as expected.

Hanna came back, throwing a super soft piece of fabric at me.


My short protest only got a smile and a wink.

I faced away to get the sweatpants on, only to turn around and just witness the last glimpse of her changing as well. My face lit up and I turned right back.

The wet pants then landed next to the socks and we both sat down to finally enjoy our cocoas.

I just published the first chapter of another story, called Rainbow茶 .. it's gxg as well but it is little more.. juicy.. sooooo read at your own risk.. in case you need more..

.. reading material!!! is what I'm talking about .. jeez

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