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I was so tense. I haven't felt safe at home for a long time, but Snow being here and watching every single of my moves really brought me to the edge.

After we finished the dishes it was almost time for lunch. I decided on lasagna without ever asking her.
She was going to stay.

While I was looking for a recipe online she got up and hugged me from behind.

"You're so uneasy, looking at you hurts.. let's leaave.. you have done enough here.."

I ignored her and went through all the ingredients in my head. We should have enough.

Half an hour later I pushed a filled form into the oven. She had been a great help, even though she kept bugging me about coming home with her.

"What are we gonna do now?"

"I don't know. Go home if you're bored."

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"I told I'm not leaving without you."

I let out a sigh and sat down next to her.


"I'm worried. Your mom hurts you and there's this thing you're not telling me and it's not safe for you here.."

"Who are you to judge that?"

"I.. I'm someone you used to trust with your life, someone you loved.. but I guess I fucked up. I just want to help.. I'll talk to your mom.."

"No, you're not. She won't listen. "

It seems like she was holding herself back, but now she grabbed my hand.

"I'll make her listen. She does remember me, right?"

"She doesn't remember a lot of things these days."

I pulled away and kept staring at the oven, like that would help the lasagna getting ready faster.

"Well she doesn't need to. You don't when she'll be back, do you?"

"No clue. "

"Alright, then I'll stay."

"No, you can stay for lunch, but then I need you to leave. "

"Katie ..."

I fixed an alarm clock for the food and went to the living room, where we ended up watching TV the whole time, until it was done.
No one said a word besides 'Thank you.' and 'You're welcome.'

But the lasagna was good and was able to lift my spirit a bit.
That was until we heard a car and a key being pushed in the lock.
I could feel the blood fleeing from my face.

Snow stood up.

We heard two voices. My mother and a guy. They came straight to the kitchen.

"Katherine! Didn't expect to see you again and ehh .. you were ..?"

"Hanna. Snow, I used to be her girlfriend. "

A big hand was patting on my shoulder.

"Hey kid."

I knew that voice and relief rushed through me. Carl. He was a new friend of mothers, but he was okay. She wasn't as bad around him.

"Ah, I remember, Mrs. Snow. How nice of you to bring my daughter back.."

"Well, I-"

"The name's Carl. Nice to meet you."

I was still sitting, while they exchanged hand shakes over my head. God, this whole conversation was being held above my head.
I stood up.

"My were just finishing lunch. Snow wanted to leave now anyway. You can have the rest, if you want to.."

"Actually I was-"

"Ahh thanks kid. I'm starving and this looks damn good."
Carl had cut her off again and I saw her getting pissed.

I dragged her towards the front door.

"Mrs. Snow it was lovely seeing you again. We'll take care of Katherine from now on, but thank you for your help. "

Mothers stared her down a bit and then extended her arm to help pushing her out.

"Wait a minute! I have to talk to you about Katie. It's really im-"

"What is it?"

Surprisingly my mother stopped and gave her a questioning look.

"She .. has told me that you aren't treating her well.. I need to know, if she is safe here. I'm not afraid of getting the law involved, if that's not the case. "

I could feel my mothers eyes slowly wandering to me and got goosebumps immediately.

"Oh she did? Well, I guess I need to apologise for that. Life hasn't been treating us fairly these past months and in that stress I might have been too harsh with her. But I'll make sure to better myself and not let that happen again. You don't need to worry, she will be fine. "

She gave her best smile and held out her hand to Snow.

"But I do appreciate the concern for my daughter."

Snow hesitantly shook it, but still didn't leave.
Carl came from behind us, still chewing on some lasagna.

"I'll make sure to keep an eye on her too, if that helps."

"Yeah. Thank you two. .. Katie, we'll see each other on monday okay? Take care. "

She gave me a short but tight hug and stepped outside.

"Goodbye Mrs Snow."

And with those words my mother closed the door behind her. I was doomed. Today was friday. We really wouldn't be seeing each other until monday.

No one had moved yet. We all knew what was about to go down. Snow hadn't been careful enough with her words.

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