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"I don't know. I need time. "

"Okay, take as long as you need."

She was about to go, when I made her stop, clinging to her clothes.

"I .. I didn't mean to scream at you. I'm sorry."

"Oh no, love-" ,she turned around to pull me into her arms.
"You needed to do that. It's fine. We understand how hard this might be... I mean obviously we don't understand exactly what's going on or how you feel, but we're trying.. okay?"

"Yes. Just forgive me.."

"Nothing needs to be forgiven... wanna come back? We could ... play a board game together?"

"Alright. But .. I.. "


She pulled away a bit to look at my face.

"Never mind.."


We went back, where Mrs Dix sat, reading the back of Snows book intently. She looked up and flashed us that knowing smile.

Ten minutes later I was hopelessly losing at Scrabble.
I mean I was playing against two teachers, who could really blame me..

Mrs Dix was funny and I ended up having a great time. I had missed Snows laugh a lot more than I thought and caught myself staring at her more than once. Most of the times Dix caught me too.

And then in the second round of Uno she blurted something out, that made both Snow and me freeze.

" So, when are you gonna get married? Are Rosie and I invited? "

We starred at her for a good ten seconds, then Snow smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

" Whenever she's ready. And of course you are invited! "

I kept frozen but felt my face going deep crimson.

" Oh I think Katie.exe just stopped."

Mrs Dix was grinning even broader and Snow took up on it really quick.

" I can fix that."

With those words she tipped my chin and turned my face to hers. She gave me the sweetest smile and then kissed me on the lips. Once again she made no initiative to pull away.
And I was melting into her and only stopped when I ran out of air.

" Wow, eh should I leave or something..? I don't want to get in the way of anything. "

Snow and I were still staring at each other, but I averted my glance first. All while smiling like an idiot.

" You're so cuteee."

Snow pulled me closer until I was laying on her lap.

" Okay, I see. I'm gonna go."

Dix stood up and started walking towards the door.

"Have fun kids, we're gon-"

" Noo, Rose come back. We need to finish the game. I fixed Katie.exe. You broke her, so don't complain and get your ass back here."

Mrs Dix let out a loud laugh and came back. Snows hand was drawing circles on my back and kept going for rest of the game.

Then my stomach announced that lunch was long overdue. But I was too comfortable and refused to let Snow leave. Rose took her chance and wandered off.

The hand on my back went to my neck and started giving me a warm and careful massage. I let go a bit too much and a quiet moan slipped out.
She started chuckling and whispered into my ear:
"Hey, don't give Rose the wrong idea."

I ignored the shivers running down my back and hid my face in her sweater again.

" I'm not."

" Guys, are you in the clear? Can I comeback?"

" Looks like you already did.. Yeah, we're good. Nothing inappropriate going on here. "

Rose entered the room with a hand covering her eyes. She peeked through her fingers, sighed and let it fall.

" Your house is really pretty. I mean compared to mine, you still lack a cute wife but looks like you're onto that already. "

" Stoop iit!!"

My voice came muffled through the jumper but they still understood it and both giggled.

" Thanks, I feel like she'll fit perfectly with the design."

" Yeah, I think so too."

I sighed and surrendered.

" Can we move on to lunch now?"

" Well, if you would let me get up, maybe I could see what I can do about that.."

" But it's so cozyy. I don't want to let you go.."

" Cuddling or lunch ... what's it gonna be..?"

I was about to answer with a groan and then get up, but was interrupted by the far too loud door bell.
We all just stopped and listened, waiting for the interrupter to go away, but who ever was on the other side of that door, wasn't going to leave.

They kept ringing.

And finally I went to check, jumping back as soon as I knew who it was.

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