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I was hungry and crept downstairs. It was quiet. Mother was wasted on the couch. I prepared some bread as quiet as possible and went back upstairs.

This was one of those days that you just piss away doing nothing. Not that I liked that. But I didn't exactly have much of a choice. The way I looked, I could never step outside.

I could however do homework or study a bit. But I've been sick for the past few days and would have to ask someone..
I wasn't going to do that. The teachers didn't expect much of me. And most of them aren't strict with it anyway.

So back to pissing it away.
I played some games and read about scientists creating black holes on earth. Just whatever piqued my interest.

My mother wasn't to be seen the whole day. Good for both of us.
Snow sent another text, I ignored, sometime in the afternoon.
It was snowing a bit and our neighbour Mr Brown shoveled his driveway free.

Just a normal boring Sunday.

But falling asleep in the evening was hard. I had slept a lot the night before and the thought of going to school like this wasn't helping either.

I slept about three hours, since I kept waking up. I got up early and went to the bathroom to put on twenty times the make-up, I ever had put on.

I looked horrible, but my injuries were covered. Normally I barely used make-up at all. I just hope nobody notices.

Even though the snow was almost up to my knees, all busses were driving. A little late, but still driving.

I made it to school on time, with shaking hands. I was looking for her. I needed to avoid her at all cost. But she was nowhere to be seen.

After I went to my locker and the toilet, I hurried to my classroom, expecting to bump into her.
I didn't see her.

In the middle of the fourth class my head started to ache and my swollen eye was pulsing badly.
No one had addressed the fact, that I had not attended school for almost three days and didn't bring any homework.

I was back to being the regular loner, that everyone ignored.
Everyone except one person.

When I was walking to my fifth period class, I caught a glimpse of her face at the other end of the hall and turned around immediately.
It didn't seem like she saw me, so I took another route to the room and got in without facing her.

The most dangerous time was during lunch break. I needed to find an empty unlocked classroom or hide in a toilet cabine or she was destined to find me.

My head kept breaking my concentration, even after a quick nap just before said lunch break.
She could have had it easy and through waiting in front of my classrooms, but she didn't.

She probably couldn't, she was new here after all. And she called in sick last week too.

I found a classroom without being seen, wondering how the hell I was that lucky.
Every few minutes some students came in to get something from their desk or just to check if they could stay. As soon as those guys saw me, they left again.
Every time the door opened my heart stopped for a second and I started praying.

I wasn't religious but this just was too much. After about half of the break had gone by, the people stopped coming in. I relaxed and laid my throbbing head on the table. I still had half an hour, enough for a quick nap. And if Snow were to come in, I wouldn't be able to escape anyway.
So I let myself fall.

A loud ringing woke me up.
I checked the time and almost had a heart attack again.
Lunch break and two periods had past. The whole school was going to go home now. I missed my lasr lessons.

I groaned and got up. At least nobody had found me. I gathered my things and went to the door, which was, like I had expected, locked.
After all I had used up all my luck in the morning when I tried to escape her.

Staring at the damn door for a few seconds, I came to the conclusion that trying to get someone to hear me would be my best option. So I started crying out for help and knocking on the door.
I heard some people passing right on the other side, but they didn't stop.

Almost ten minutes later I got tired and gave up. I slid down and let out a heavy sigh.

Another five minutes later I heard two loud voices coming down the hallway. Everything else had became so quiet so the chances of being heard were high.
I jumped up, inhaled deeply and held up my fist to knock. Then I stopped. What when it was her?

I started praying again, hoping to have a last ounce of luck on this day. And a moment later they were close enough for me to identify them.

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