Update Chapter

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This is where all information concerning edits and breaks go.
Skip to the bottom to see the most recent one.
It will tell you if I plan on continuing atm, in case there's questions about that.

There is more plot and I will continue, BUT more than 50% of new readers stop after chapter 1 and I there are plot holes that I am now desperate to fix. So I will probably have to edit every single chapter so far first aaand I'm procrastinating on that..
I even thought about unpublishing the whole book but I don't know if that'll remove it from you guys libraries and lists, it's on quite a few lists, thank you for that lol..

It has officially begun.
I rewrote chapter 1 and it's 1 n a half chapter now.. I don't know how to handle the publishing.. I don't want to rewrite and then release it all at once, but I also don't want to publish the new chapters right after writing them.. what would I do w the old ones?!?
There would either be 2 versions of the same chapter or a break sm where in between the book where the new n old version clash.. ugh idk, ideas are welcome lol, just letting u know, it started

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