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"What did you do today?"

She showed off a big grin.

"Well I could barely move, so I didn't have that many options.. luckily I still had my book lying on the table, I settled for reading and playing games on my phone.."

"Sorry I trapped you.."

"Oh no, it was really cozy. I'd love to keep doing it. .. and you needed rest. "

"But what about your job... don't you have classes to prepare and.. tests to grade??"

" I called in sick ... you're my priority right now. The rest can wait. "

I was pouting and pulled away.

"Tonight ... ehm you didn't seem to like the bed but .. the couch is a bit small, if we both actually want to sleep .. are you willing to try the bed again?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Until then.. do you like .. want to take a shower and then we watch a movie?"

Showering ..

"Katie? What are you thinking about? .. I can lend you some clothes, don't worry .."

I forced a smile and nodded.

"Okay, yes thank you. "

A few minutes later, I stood frozen in her bathroom. A bunch of clean clothes under my arm. I was torn whether I should lock the door or not. I ended up doing it and decided to go through all of this as fast as possible.
Turning away from the far too large mirror I undressed and stepped into the small square.

Normally I would shower hot or atleast warm, but right now it gave me chills and I went for cold water instead. I could only handle 5 minutes of turbo shampooing and scrubbing until I hurried out of it. I threw on clothes and put my hair  in a towel. At last I took all my own stuff and left.

The door shut behind me and I couldn't help the deep sigh escaping. I placed my package in Snows room and went back to the living room.
She sat on the sofa and zapped through the channels on the TV. The curtains were closed and two candles lit on the table.

I had stopped in the door frame, taking in the sight. My aching heart told me, how much we had missed this, missed her.
It took a while for her to notice me.

"Hey, that was fast.. "

She must have seen my expression then.

"Are you alright? Come here.."

I started walking to her but couldn't make myself light up.
I hated showering.
Her warm arms embraced me and she kissed my head.

"Hey.. it's okay.. I'm here love, you can talk, if you want to.."

"Have you found a movie yet?"

"Noo. It's harder than I thought. Today's not a good TV day."

"So, still no Netflix?"

She chuckled.

"Nah, how boring would that be."

We settled on a show about some fake family smuggling drugs over a border and ended up having a great time.

Snow was drawing circles on my arms the entire time, which was kinda distracting, but also really calming. Her other hand brushed over my cheeks and shoulders every once in a while. She was laughing so bright and honest, that it was repeatedly melting my heart.

In the beginning I was tense and she halfway into that shower, but she pulled me away from those thoughts. Towards the end of the movie, I was exhausted again. Pretty strange for someone who slept the whole day.

But after it was finished we kept watching and fifty minutes into "The Lord Of The Rings", I was slowly drifting away.
It seemed like she had waited for that moment.

Sleep drunk as I was, she brought me to bed, after she turned off the TV and blew out the candles.
She cuddled up close to me and wrapped one arm around my stomach.
Then she whispered again and I almost couldn't make any sense of the words.

"I'm so happy we met again."

Her smell was everywhere. It was flowers or honey or some shit. No one naturally smells like that. But that does not mean, it doesn't smell good. For me it meant safety and love. It meant home

I didn't dream that night. I slept. Heavy and long. The best kind of sleep when you're exhausted.

Snow woke me up with her damn circles. I mumbled something along the lines:
"Stop circling."
And tried to pull away.

I heard her adorable giggling and then felt a light kiss on my temples.

"'N stop peckin.."

She giggled again.

"You're still so grumpy in the morning. Even when you had a good sleep."

"Who said I had a good sleep..?"

"That smile on your face and.. that hand of yours.. on my hip.."

I opened my eyes hastily only to find both of my hands in front of my chest.

"Damn you .."

She smiled broadly with her chaotic bed hairstyle.
I caught myself staring for a second and turned away.

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