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A day in Connors life

This isn't gonna be what y'all want but ey its hard for me too. It'll be quite different..

It was a sunny morning, warm and cruel. Barely past 10 and the air above the asphalt was flimmering already.

Connor had his hands hidden deep in his pockets and his cap pulled down so far, it easily covered his eyes. He was walking along an almost abandoned road.

Just like he did every morning.
Dust flew up with every step he took and settled exactly where it left right afterwards.

Just 3 miles until he reached his favourite spot. Where he could get atleast one meal for his work.
Today was gonna be a busy day.

The sun was blazing and hot air was streaming higher and higher. The perfect conditions for a long flight.

Connor had made a friend there. A guy called Tommy. He often joked about how that wasn't his real name and everyone else always took it as a joke. But Connor knew better.

He never called him Tommy. He used to come to the mini airport whenever he had managed to fill his stomach and had free time on his hands.

One day Tommy called him over and had a chat with him. He obviously had guessed in what kinda situation the boy was, since he offered him work starting from the very next day.

Connor was always cautious about not revealing too much information about himself, but every once in a while Tommy managed to get something out of him.

The other people there barely cared.

But today seemed to turn out different.

A crowd had formed in front of the main building. There was relaxed chatting and a feeling of family.

Connor walked around the curious groups at a quick paste. He could feel eyes following him until he slipped inside through a side door.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people?"

Somewhere in the seemingly empty building a hearty laugh answered.
A few moments later Tommy appeared behind one of the planes, oil on his grinning face.

"That, my son, is our annual assembly. The flight club likes to meet it's local members once a year and they all come here to chat. It's really lovely sometimes."

"Why didn't anybody tell me?"

"I thought they did. I usually tend to not get to much into the discussions.. there are quite some strong headed fellas out there. That's why I didn't tell you, it doesn't really matter to me. It's good business, that's it."

"And perfect weather as well.."

Tommy gave him a pat on the shoulder and signed him to follow. 

They spend an hour checking most of the planes for missing screws, broken parts and flat tires. Some of these planes hadn't been used in months.

Then the first members came to surround them and talk about which machines they like to use and who was gonna pull up whom.

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