Pick Up Line

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This one's kinda long, sorry ;-; there's a kissing scene at the end though! So look forward to that! By the way, I bended the prompt a little. I mean I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to use it the way I did, but I like it, and I hope you do too. Don't forget to point out any typos or mistakes, and enjoy!


~Kirishima's POV~

"What? No! You can't say that to him. I doubt he'll even find it funny," Kaminari said in a nearly scolding tone. He had his hands on his hips and was glaring at me as if I had just said the dumbest thing ever.

"It was all I could come up with! Besides, I don't think it's that bad..." I responded defensively. I knew Kami was mostly joking. Well, at least I hoped so, because according to him, that was the worst pick up line known to man.

"No dude, it's that bad. You need serious help," Kaminari sneered, confirming my fears, "And I know exactly who to get it from."

We both knew who he was talking about. There was only one guy with a boyfriend that was willing to talk to us. He was no expert but he was doing far better then anyone else. He was our only option.


"So... does Kacchan already like you? Because if not, whatever that pickup line was isn't gonna do the trick." Midoriya said. The look on his face resembled a wince, and I was worried that it really was as bad as Kami said.

"Told you dude," he said, once again confirming that I was lacking in the flirting department.

I sighed audibly and answered Midoriya's question, "Um, unless things have changed since Monday, then yes he does. He told me on the way back to his house since I had offered to walk him home. We haven't talked since then though..." to be honest, I was kinda worried that he regretted telling me. Or he realized that he actually didn't. Or it was just a dare. Or the worst possible thing, I screwed it up.

I didn't say anything. I just stared at him. I was terrified. A million things were running through my head.
Is this a joke?
Is he teasing me?
Did he find out that I was gay?
What do I say?
What do I do?
Will this ruin our friendship?

I heard Midoriya and Kami talking to eachother and arguing about wether I should buy him flowers or not, but I couldn't care less. As long as it worked.

I can still remember Bakugo's blushing face. His crimson eyes were directed to the ground and his fists were clenched to his sides. Seconds of silence passed as I tried desperately to figure out what to say. Those seconds turned into a minute. A minute of me staring at him looking as if I'd seen a ghost. A minute of Bakugo probably hating himself for even saying anything. A full minute of pain that I was causing him.
A minute that I could've been with him.

"What do you think Kirishima?" Midoriya asked me. Of course, I wasn't paying attention...

"Uhm... sorry what?" I asked quietly.
Kaminari let out an extremely exaggerated wheeze and started laughing while making a face that resembled a meme Sero once showed me.

"HE... LOVES HIM," Kaminari choked out and went back to laughing. My face was definitely as read as my hair by now. Midoriya let out a giggle as Kami fell down to the floor.

"I...mmh," I grumbled. I wasn't going to deny the obvious.

I really do love him.

"A-anyway..." Midoriya spoke up after Kami has stopped laughing, "do you think it's a good idea to make him chocolate or something?"

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