Chapter 2

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"ivye, we haven't seen you since you were four! how has life been for you?" johnny asked. me and johnny were practically best friends since we were little.

"not so great recently. but im living here now, so things may just get a little worse." i sighed.

"you're living here now? but why?" johnny questioned.

"my adoptive parents died, and those three doofuses are my only living relatives in the area."

"oh, sorry to hear about your parents." johnny whispered.

i just gave him a slow, gentle nod as i heard soda say, "why are you guys the ones catching up with her? we're her brothers after all."

"i kind of don't feel like talking right now. or ever again. can you just take me to my room?"

"oh, um, yeah. you'll be staying in mom and dad's room if thats ok." darry said nicely, yet nervously.

"sure, i guess." i stated. i tried to act like i didn't care, but in reality i was scared to see my parents room. now that they're dead, i don't know if i'll be able to bear it.

darry led me to the room silently and took me to a closed door. "here it is." darry mumbled.

i took a deep breath and opened the door. it looked exactly the same as when i remembered it. i walked in and started unpacking my stuff. once darry left, i closed the door and took a moment to just look around and reminisce.

once i finished unpacking my stuff, i decided i was going to stay in my room for the rest of my life. i changed my clothes and took a nap.

i woke up, realizing i was extremely hungry. i remembered i told myself i wasn't going to leave this room for the rest of my life, but i knew i needed to eventually. i glanced at the clock in my room and it read 7:00 pm. i got out of bed and quickly fixed my hair so it didn't look like a hot mess and headed out my door.

before walking down the stairs, i sighed and slowly stepped down each stair. when i reached the bottom, the smell of chicken wafted over to me.

i peeked into the kitchen and saw the gang all sitting around the table, eating. they didn't see me, but of course, i just had to sneeze.

hold it in, hold it in! i thought, trying to will myself to not sneeze. it worked for a few seconds and the sneeze-feeling eventually went away, but out of nowhere the sneeze just came out. i stood wide-eyed as the kitchen that was once bustling with noise and energy was now silent.

"shit!" i said under my breath.

"ivye, is that you?" a voice said, even though im guessing it was sodapop. small giggles came after soda said that as i said "did you hear me say 'shit?'"

"yeah, we did, but we don't care if you swear. come on in, join us for dinner." soda said again.

"oh, thats good that you'll let me swear. and the only reason im coming in to eat is because ill starve myself if i don't." i walked into the kitchen as all eyes turned to me.

"well, that would be the whole point of eating." steve laughed.

"shut it, randle. or ill tell everyone what you did when i was three and you were six."

"you still remember that?" steve said, surprised.

"what happened when you guys were little?" soda said, trying to contain his laughter.

"long story short, i walked in on steve butt naked playing with my dolls. when i asked what he was doing, he got scared and pooped in one of your guy's beds. i don't remember whose." i explained.

"so thats why i found poop in my bed when i was nine!" darry said, shocked. "i was so confused!"

i finished eating my dinner and said i was going to go back upstairs. "don't you want to stay for cake though?" pony asked.

"eh, im kind of full. bye." i said, hurriedly walking upstairs to my room. i closed the door behind me and changed into my pajamas. i decided to fully look around the room, since i hadn't really done that yet.

there was a big bed in the middle of the room against the wall with flowered sheets and pillows. there was lots of space on each side of the bed with a closet on the left wall and a big window on the right. it was quite pretty, actually.

it was weird to think that this was my parents room, and that i was now staying in it. it didn't feel right, honestly.

i shook off that feeling and laid down in bed. i started to think about something that's been bugging me ever since i got here; why were my brothers being nice to me?

all these years, i've believed that they were mean and didn't like me. but now, im starting to question that. im still not going to let my guard down though, it could change.

i took a deep breath and rolled over on my side. sleep finally found me, and day one of the rest of my new life in hell had ended.

hey guys! sorry this chapter is kind of short, i just wanted to get it out quicker. and i am purposely making ivye stubborn and naive, in case you were wondering.

and also, if anyone wants to follow me on instagram, dm me! its not an outsiders fan account, its my personal. alright, i think im done with all of that, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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