Chapter 7

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i left with steve and soda that day feeling an immense amount of happiness. it was the most fun i had in a long time. we forgot where we were even going after a while, so we ended up just listening to the beatles and elvis for three hours in the DX parking lot.

on our way back home, soda said, "alright, i get it now. the beatles actually are pretty good." steve nodded in agreement as i said "i told you so. and i do have to say, elvis is pretty tuff now that i've listened to him a little more."

"nobody can resist the king." steve exclaimed. when we got home, the sun had just finished setting and our fun mood was soon ripped apart by darry.

"where have you three been?" darry said, trying to sound mean. he only tried to sound mean because, if im being honest, he can't yell at sodapop. he can sure yell at pony, though.

"we-we were sittin' at the DX listening to music." soda mumbled, nervously.

"all day?" darry questioned.

"yeah, it was pretty fun. ivye here got us into the beatles-" steve was cut off by the sound of the rest of the gang chiming in saying "the beatles?"

"yeah, they ain't that bad. and i know what you're thinking, i must be crazy for saying. but me and soda also got ivye into elvis." steve said, continuing.

the gang sighed in relief as pony said, "at least one good thing game out that."

"well, im going to let this whole situation go because we got a new elvis fan on board. but i also want to punish all three of you for liking the beatles." everyone laughed and we all headed into the kitchen to eat some dinner.

as i was eating, i thought about how i saw a completely new side of soda and steve that i didn't even know existed. they were fun, caring, and just really cool to be around. i think im finally liking it here.

"hello? earth to ivye?" johnny said, snapping his fingers in front of my face. i flinched and pushed his hand away and continued to eat. after we finished dinner and ate a whole chocolate cake in under a minute and a half, most of the gang went back to their houses. all except johnny.

"hey darry? can i stay over here tonight? my parents, you know, were... uh... fightin' this morning and i just- i have to-"

"johnny, of course you can stay over tonight. you can stay as long as you want." darry replied back from the kitchen while washing the dishes.

it was already late, and all i wanted to do was lay in my bed upstairs. "night, johnny."

"wait, ivye. c-can you stay down here with me t-tonight? i don't want to be alone." johnny asked. i turned my head around and said "um, yeah. sure."

now, if it were any other member of the gang, i would just tell them to put on some big boy panties and suck it up. but i couldn't do it to johnny. he had the roughest home life out of all of us, and i knew if i said that he would take it too personally.

i walked back downstairs and sat by johnny on the couch. "my parents, whenever they fight bad like this, i always get nightmares. it'll be nice to have someone here to comfort me."

"hey, i will always be here. besides, we were childhood best friends. this would happen a lot when you were younger too, and to help you get over it, we would go play on the swing set and play tag with the rest of the gang." johnny gave me a small smile in response.

"now, i don't think we should go to a swing set at this hour." i said, continuing my previous thought. we both laughed and turned to each other. i looked straight into his dark brown eyes that matched his skin tone and hair color so perfectly. i could tell he was looking at me the same way i was looking at him.

Johnny's POV

i looked right at ivye and just looked. it was crazy how much she looked exactly like her three older brothers. i felt like i was looking at and exact copy of all three of them combined. well, except for adding the fact that she's a girl. her hair was long and light brown just like pony's. her eyes were big and round like soda's and she had the prettiest smile and facial structure like soda's too. her eyes were sometimes light blue and sometimes dark greenish- grey like darry's. she was beautiful.

i snapped out of my trance, and i think ivye did the same. we smiled at each other as i put my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder. before i knew it, we were both fast asleep.

hey guys! if anyone knows how/knows of anyone that could make me a cover for this story, it would be really appreciated! i've never been the best at making covers and i just make mine on the instagram story feature. my cover for my other story is fine, but im not happy with this one. if no one responds ill just try to make another one, but if anyone knows how to make covers or knows of anyone that can please dm me on here! i would ofc give credit to whoever made it :) don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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