Chapter 5

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"well then, i best be goin'." i smiled. i tried quickly walking away but darry caught me by the waist and carried me back into the house. "not so fast, kid." he said, obviously holding in his anger.

i crossed my arms and muttered, "you know, i could have walked on my own if you would have just asked."

"we all know that wouldn't have worked." darry said. "now, i have a few questions. how the hell did you get out of your bedroom, and why the hell did you get out of your bedroom?"

darry was a type that could get angry easily, and you wouldn't want to see him when he is angry. heck, those icy cold eyes felt like they were staring straight into my soul. i could tell he wanted to yell at me, but was holding it back instead. as of now though, he was moderately loud.

"im not going to answer questions until you answer mine. my story wouldn't match up with yours unless i hear yours first. so why were those socs here?"

if we were in a cartoon right now, im sure steam would be coming out of darry's ears. i peeked behind darry to see johnny mouthing at me to cut it out.

"if you are going to live in this house, you will follow my rules. now, answer my two questions." darry was now almost yelling, he hated my sarcasm. but hey, i couldn't help it. my sarcasm makes me me, and its fun to annoy him.

"fine, ill answer, i guess. i crawled out of my window, and i came down to see what the hell was happening. i was very curious. and, i thought i may be able to help with whatever may have been happening." i said nicely.

"what, you were gonna fight them off with those little stick arms of yours?" two bit said, cracking up with laughter.

"want me to test my little stick arms out on you?" i said while rolling up my sleeve and flexing, revealing (at least some) muscle.

two bit suddenly stopped laughing and hung his head down.

it went silent for a moment, and those harsh eyes of darry's that were looking straight into mine forced me to speak. "i answered your question, how about you answer mine?" i nervously asked.

"fine. smart-ass dallas over here bet the socs that the greasers could beat them in a fight, and they took that bet. next thing we knew, they showed up here." darry stated. i looked over at dally and he just looked very smug and guilty.

"but now, we have to talk about your consequences. you-" darry started, but i interrupted. "wait, why am i getting punished?"

"you snuck out of your room after i told you to stay there. you could have gotten hurt, ivye."

i suddenly remembered my scraped up hands and looked down at them. dried blood covered scratches all over my hands as i said "its a bit too late for that." i held up my hands for the gang to see, and everyone but darry flinched a bit.

"this is exactly what i was afraid of. now go upstairs and stay there until dinner time. ill think of what to do with you then."

"i guess i asked for this." i said while sighing, shrugging and walking up the stairs.

Sodapop's POV

"wow, she didn't fight you on it." i exclaimed. the gang nodding in agreement.

"thats the problem, she didn't fight me on it. i wonder what plan she's thinkin' up." darry said, lowering his head while thinking.

"or maybe she finally learned that this is our house, our rules. but that doesn't seem like ivye to me." pony wondered.

"maybe something is up with her, or it could be nothing at all. should i got talk to her?" i asked. darry and pony both nodded as i headed upstairs.

i softly knocked on the door and said "ivye, its me, sodapop. can i come in?"

i got a very quick response, and she said "no, do NOT come in at the moment!"

"but why?" i asked.

"im kind of naked, and i dont think you want to see that." she stated through the door. i laughed and told her, "yep, you're right. tell me when i can come in."

Ivye's POV

i've always been the most comfortable around soda. pony and darry just seemed too controlling to me. but soda was the type that would listen to your problems and help you with them instead of questioning your decisions and problems.

i finished getting dressed quickly because i knew he was waiting outside of my door. i walked over to my door and opened it to find a nervous sodapop looking like he wanted something from me.

"let me guess, you want to talk?" i asked.

"uhh, yep." he nervously smiled.

hey guys! sorry this chapter left off on a weird place, i thought this would be the best place to wrap it up without it being too much longer. i just now realized i kind of made ivye a brat, but i plan to fix that as the story continues 😂 and is it just me or does soda, pony, and darry sound like uncle jesse, uncle joey, and danny from full house in my story? i think im done talking, but don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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