Chapter 19

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"pony, we've got a bit of a problem." i said, walking up to him after school.

"whats up?" he asked, concern filling his eyes.

"so holland tells me today that she doesn't want to be with johnny, even though thats what we were trying to do all along. im going to admit, i liked johnny too but i put aside my feelings so holland could have him. and now apparently johnny may like me, and i don't know what to do anymore." i added with a sigh.

ponyboy's eyes just went wide as a smug grin appeared on his face.

"why are you smiling like that?" i asked, starting to realize that something was going on.

pony just wiggled his eyebrows and said "oh, johnny has a lot more than just a little crush on you."

my mouth fell wide open. "h-how did you find out?"

"he told me himself, he likes you a lot ivye." my mouth stayed in a drooped state as pony said, "y'know, if you keep your mouth open for much longer, you'll catch flies."

i immediately shut my mouth and hit pony playfully on the arm. we started walking in the direction of our house as i said, "so, what do you think i should do about all of this?"

"i don't think you need to do much. you said you liked johnny, and we know johnny likes you, so whats the problem?"

"i don't know, its just... what if it holland was lying about giving up her feelings, or what if johnny decided he really doesn't like me? honestly, i wouldn't blame him if he did stop liking me." i sighed.

"ivye, i think johnny would be a great guy for you. and he really does like you a lot, i've known him forever, and i have never seen him like anyone like this. and as your older brother, if johnny does break your heart or hurt you in anyway, i'll be ready to beat his ass up. although, i don't think he would ever be the type to do something like that." pony said, looking straight into my eyes. i appreciated the fact that pony and most likely my other two brothers would be ready to stick up for me.

i smiled back at him and just whispered "thanks" before opening the front door and plopping down on the couch after a mentally tiring day.

soda and steve walked out of the kitchen and sat down next to me on the couch. i haven't talked to both of them much since the day i got them into the beatles, so i figured that that would be a good conversation piece.

"so, how're you guys liking the beatles?" i asked, smirking.

"i can't believe me and steve here thought they were bad. i mean, they're amazing!" soda exclaimed.

"y'know, teenage girls are really the only ones that go crazy over the beatles, but i guess not since i looked at you two. you guys seem like you're joining in on the beatlemania train."

"hey, you're in on the beatlemania train too!" steve said.

"yet, i am also a teenage girl." i commented, winking. steve just sat there with a puzzled look, then said "yeah, you have a point. you're also nowhere near as crazy as some of those obsessed teenage girls."

"i feel like you two wouldn't hesitate to scream your vocal chords out though if you did happen to see them." i thought out loud.

"honestly, i think you're right." soda laughed. i rolled my eyes while smiling when i saw johnny walk through the front door. we made eye contact and he gave me a small smile, with me returning it.

"hey johnnycakes, could you come here for a second?" pony yelled from the kitchen. johnny mumbled "mhm." and headed back to where ponyboy was.

i heard whispering, a small gasp, and i swore i heard my name a few times. i knew pony probably told him about how i know johnny likes me.

the boys emerged from the kitchen, and johnny looked at me with a light in his eyes. it was almost as if he was looking for answers in me. our eyes broke contact, and he went to sit in a chair next to the couch. i could still feel his glare burning into the side of my head.

if you are interested in reading my beatles story, please read below!

i have the introduction plus two full chapters done and saved in my drafts. i can't decide when i want to upload these chapters though, and thats where i need your guys's help!

i could either upload the story now and manage two stories at the same time, or completely finish this story first then upload my new one. if i upload the story now, you guys will get to read it sooner (and im super excited for everyone to read it) but it might take longer for me to update both of my stories with new chapters frequently.

and if i finish this story first then upload my new story, it will be longer until you can read the new one but you will get more frequent updates for both stories. im really torn on what to do here, so please comment what you think!

but thank you for 8k reads and 50 followers! and i know it may seem like a while until i upload the next chapter on this story, but please don't worry if you think i've given up on this story! i would never leave this story hanging, i believe in finishing what you start. i try to make uploads as frequent as possible, but sometimes they just come out a bit later.

thank you guys for the support, and don't forget to vote and comment!

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