Chapter 23

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we walked to school, all dreading it. none of us really enjoyed school, although me and pony were good at it.

we soon found ourselves at the school, and we headed in and went our separate ways to our lockers. i spotted holland, and immediately ran over to her to talk about johnny.

"hey ivye! how's it going with johnny?" she asked, beating me to the question.

"i was just going to tell you about that. i think we're going to try it out. we aren't necessarily 'dating' yet, but at the moment we're more like... friends with benefits." i told her.

she looked a bit hurt, but happy for me. "thats real great, ive. you two will be happy together." she stated.

we started talking about random things, when all of a sudden holland says, "is it just me, or is the hallway quiet to you?"

once she said that, i looked around the hallway and saw that it was empty, besides us. we must have missed the bell while we were talking.

"uh oh." i said in a sing-song voice. we started to run down the hallway to our classrooms when the principal came out of nowhere, stopping us.

"why aren't you girls in class?" she asked.

holland stared blankly at the principal, not sure what to say. i knew she wasn't going to talk, so someone had to, that someone being me.

"we-uhhh... we were just... going to the bathroom together because y'know, thats what girls do." i said as politely as i could.

"oh yeah? then why were you running back, and why were you both marked absent by your teachers?" she asked harshly.

this time, i looked at holland for guidance, and she looked more together and calm now.

"we were... racing. track season is coming up!" holland said, nervously laughing. that was a big fat lie. track season was in late march, and it was only september.

"nice try, girls. i'll see both of you tonight for forty-five minutes." the principal stated, writing on a pad of paper. she handed us both a slip, saying "DETENTION" across the top with the time.

"now get to class." she said, walking away.

"ohmygodohmygod i've never gotten a detention before! ivye, WHAT DO I DO?" holland said as we sped-walked to our class.

"holland, you're FINE. its just a detention, everyone gets those occasionally." i explained.

"i don't know how you're so chill about this. IM FREAKING OUT!" she said, walking into her classroom. i eventually walked into mine and found johnny sitting there.

"where have you been?" johnny asked as i walked over to him and sat down. he had a smirk on his face, like he knew i was up to something.

"so... funny story... me and holland got detentions for not being to class on time."

johnny just looked at me and laughed. "oh ivye, why did i have a feeling you were up to no good?"

"well, we were talking and we didn't even hear the bell ring." i said, laughing too.

"holland was freaking out though. i guess she's never had a detention before, she was hardcore panicking." i told johnny.

"yeah, she never really got into trouble when we were together. it doesn't surprise me that she was freaking out about it." johnny said.

soon the day flew by, and that left me and holland in room 275 in detention with the grouchiest, meanest teacher ever.

miss finnegan.

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