Chapter 22

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turns out, two bits new girl was really sweet. that whole night, me and alyssa just talked about random things while the guys did, well, their guy things. dally still had yet to show up.

"where the hell is that guy?" darry asked, cleaning up two bit's empty beer bottles and taking them into the kitchen.

"i don't know, i've learned not to ask questions." pony said, taking a cigarette and lighting it.

i've never liked cigarettes, as you could tell when johnny offered me one and i turned it down. i tried it once, and felt like i was going to cough up my lung. pretty much the whole gang smoked, which i hated. i knew the consequences of smoking, but i knew no one in the gang would listen to me.

"so ivye, how old are you?" alyssa asked.

"im fourteen, but im turning fifteen on september 20." i responded.

"hey, thats in, like, ten days right?" johnny asked out of nowhere.

"yeah, it is. i don't want you guys making it a big deal though, im only turning fifteen." i said, shrugging.

"ive, fifteen is a big milestone. you'll be a fourth of the way to sixty years old!" alyssa exclaimed.

"yeah, i guess you're right. i've just never really celebrated my birthday, y'know?" i replied.

"well, no matter what you say, im going to make a big deal out of it and you can't stop me." johnny said, smiling.

i just rolled my eyes, not wanting to think about what he was planning.

"oh, yeah, i forgot your birthday was soon. hey darry, what are we doing for ivye's birthday?" pony called out through the house, now informing everyone that my birthday was coming soon. i rested my forehead in my hand, embarrassed.

"wait, when is your birthday?" and "i didn't know your birthday was soon!" and much more started to circulate around the room.

"thanks a lot, pony." i said sarcastically.

"you are very welcome." pony replied back.

"well now we have to do something special." soda said.

"please don't." i sighed, leaning back into the couch.

"you can't stop us." pony stated with a smile. i rolled my eyes, wondering how we even got onto this topic.

"i know i can't, but i wish i could."

i don't even know how long everyone else stayed for the rest of the night, steve and johnny ended up sleeping over. another guest slept over, too.

it was dally.

me, pony, and johnny had school today, two bit was ditching again. we woke up early and came downstairs to find dallas passed out on the couch with a black eye and a swollen lip.

pony shook his arm as we all tried to wake him. eventually, his eyes fluttered open and closed again. his eyes were sensitive to light.

"dally, what the hell happened?" i asked.

"i w-want to... sleep." he groaned.

"dallas, just tell us what happened then we'll let you sleep." johnny said nicely.

he moaned, but im not sure if it was out of pain or because he wanted to sleep.

"got into a fight, man. tried to steal a pack of cigs from the store, some guy tried to stop me and we got into a fight. whats the problem with that?"

"the problem is that you have a swollen lip and a black eye." i stated, walking into the kitchen to get a pack of ice.

"what time did you get here?" i asked, giving dally the ice to put on his face.

"bout three in the morning."

"dallas, you have to stop getting into trouble, man. the gang wouldn't be the same if you got stuck in the slammer again." johnny said.

dally had a soft spot for johnny. if anyone else would have said something like that, dally would have blown up or said "you aren't in control of me." but since it was johnny, he listened.

"i know johnny, i know. im trying to stop, but i can't. but hey, i ended up getting the pack though." he said, shaking the pack of cigarettes.

"alright, we better get ready for school." i sighed.

"ew, school. you three still go to that hellhole?" dally asked.

"well, some of us like to get our education, unlike you." pony said, laughing.

"whatever, loser." dally stated, rolling his eyes.

we all finally finished getting ready for school. steve was still passed out in the chair, but im not sure where dally was. he was probably raiding the kitchen.

as much as i didn't want to go to school, i had to talk to holland about this whole situation with johnny.

hey guys! i have a lot to talk about today. first of all, thank you for 10k reads! the fact that i have two successful stories blows my mind. i never believed i would get this far!

and speaking of this story, i decided that i won't make too many more chapters for this story, it will start to come to an end soon. i think i want roughly around thirty chapters, so eight more after this one. it probably won't be exactly thirty chapters, maybe a bit more or a bit less. im going to start wrapping up the loose ends and plots in the coming chapters.

and i know people said to wait until this story is done until i continue writing my beatles story, but i couldn't help myself. i have a total of five chapters and the introduction finished oOps. i just have so many good ideas for this story, i need to write them down somewhere lol.
and when i eventually do publish it, i'll publish the first chapter along with the introduction at the same time, then every week or so publish the next chapters.

and this is just a lil fun fact, my birthday is actually on september 20, and i'll be turning fifteen this year too!

sorry for boring you all, but don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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