Chapter 26

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"who is this, ponyboy?" johnny asked, walking up to the boy who had a little girl next to him.

"johnny, this is my little sister, ivye. ivye, this is my new friend johnny that i met yesterday." ponyboy answered.

ivye was in a new environment. it was time for her to go to preschool, which she wasn't exactly thrilled about. although she didn't like her brothers much, ponyboy gave her the only safety she felt in that new space.

"hey ivye, im johnny. its nice to meet you." johnny's voice said, reaching out his hand as a signal of friendship.

ivye hesitated, then grabbed his hand and shook it lightly. "hi."

those three went off to play on the play sets on the playground, with not a care in the world.

pony immediately noticed johnny and ivye were socializing with each other, which was uncommon for both of them to do.

johnny didn't care that he was becoming friends with a girl. she liked a lot of the same things as him, so why not treat her like anyone else?

ivye was happy she found a friend besides her older brother. they played well together and quickly became close.

my eyes grew wide. i had completely forgotten forgotten about that flashback.

i turned to look at johnny who was passed out beside me on my bed. we were talking in my room and must have fell asleep.

"johnny, johnny, wake up!" i whisper-screamed, shaking him lightly.

his eyes fluttered open and he turned his head to me.

"what's wrong, ivye? what time is it?" johnny asked, dazed. he sat up with confusion in his eyes.

"its about three in the morning. do you remember when we first met?"

there was a long pause. "no, not really. why?"

"i just remembered it. it was quite cute, actually. i was about three years old, you were five. we played on the monkey bars and the swings together. doesn't that seem like a lifetime ago, johnny?" i said, ending with a smile.

i heard him let out a small laugh. "it really does. i remember you were the happiest kid. shoot, ivye, i would have been happy just like you if i grew up in the curtis house."

there was a pause. "when you moved away," he continued. "i didn't really know what to do with my time. i had ponyboy i guess, but you were my best friend."

a wave of realization hit me after i heard what johnny said. i was suddenly brought back to the pain i felt when i left. i was happy to leave my brothers, but devastated to leave my best friend.

"i felt the same way. we got along so well, i thought i would never meet someone else that i'd get along with like that." i told him, turning to face him.

his head turned to me once he realized i was looking at him.

he leaned in slowly and our lips met in the middle. i felt him smile against the kiss, which made me smile too.

we pulled away, smiles on both of our faces. we both laid down and i put my head on johnny's chest. he smoothed down my hair, immediately making me want to fall asleep.

"should we wake them up?" i heard a voice ask.

"you three have school today, of course you have to wake them up!"

i heard shuffling and then a loud voice next to my ear go, "ITS TIME TO WAKE UP YOU LAZY ASSHOLES!"

me and johnny jolted from our position and saw ponyboy walking away and laughing with darry rolling his eyes and following him out. johnny and i looked at each other, with me saying, "shit, we have school today, don't we?"

at least it was a friday, and we only had to survive one more day until the weekend.

we both got ready for school and eventually headed out the door with pony and two bit. two bit came over at one point, saying the school called his mom and said that if he skipped anymore days he would be suspended, and he didn't want to walk alone.

we all walked to the school, laughing and joking along the way. i felt something touch my hand, and i realized it was johnny's hand. our hands slowly drifted towards each others again and they were soon entangled with each other.

i smiled to myself, and im sure johnny did too.

"wow, look at you two. holdin' hands with each other is one level before having sex." two bit joked, getting laughs from pony and eye rolls from me and johnny.

"i highly doubt that, two." i responded.

"nope, its fact." he protested.

"nope, thats not how that works." i answered.

"well then how does it work?"

"i don't know two bit!" i exclaimed, annoyance in my voice.

we walked up to the school and headed inside. me and johnny were practically inseparable at this point, not wanting to leave each others side. luckily we had first period together.

we were next to each other the whole period, with two bit trying to include himself on our conversation. nothing against two bit, but we just wanted time to ourselves for now.

it felt like we have only wanted to be near each other recently. we haven't wanted to do much except for be by each other.

i suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when i heard johnny talk.

"so ivye, are you excited for your fifteenth birthday? its only in two days." johnny asked, a smug smile on his face.

"you know how i feel about birthdays. i guess im excited to age up a bit but i don't really like celebrating my birthday." i told him.

"well, you should be excited because the gang and i have things planned for you."

"like what?" i playfully asked.

"you'll just have to wait and see."

hey everyone! thank you for 15k reads! it means so much to me.

i also realized that the six month anniversary of this story was three days ago! if i would have realized sooner, i would have made an update then, but i only realized on that day and wrote this chapter in three days. but thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story, im truly blessed to have such supportive fans of this book. these past six months absolutely flew by, where did the time go?

and i uploaded my beatles story! i physically couldn't wait any longer. and i realized that the first few chapters were kind of bad, but they get a lot better trust me lmao. but go show it some love!

don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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