Chapter 14

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"i think im going to talk to her!" johnny exclaimed as we neared my house.

"yeah!" me, two, and pony cheered.

"but, i want ivye with me." johnny said.

"no way." i said in a monotonous voice.

"ivye, you have to. she's your friend. and you're my friend, too." johnny pleaded.

oh, how i wish we could be more than just friends.

"i don't want to intrude on that moment. besides, she doesn't know that we're even friends. she thinks we're still strangers to each other."

"please, ive. for me?"

"damn you johnny, fine."

we walked into the curtis house, and i realized i hadn't spoken to darry since we had our fight a few nights ago. i figured that if he wasn't going to say anything to me, i was going to have to say something to him.

"hey darry, can i talk to you?" i called out.

darry appeared out of the kitchen and said "whats up?"

"i figured i would need to do this sooner rather than later, but im sorry for coming home later than my curfew allowed, and for not telling you. i will try to use more common sense in the future."

darry gave me a small smile and said "i forgive you, and by you apologizing to me, you're already using common sense. maybe you can teach pony a thing or two." he winked at me and walked away. i turned to pony and smiled as he rolled his eyes.

i heard the front door open and slam shut and i turned around to see soda and steve coming back from work.

i haven't talked to soda or steve much ever since they got me into elvis and i got them into the beatles.

getting those boys into the beatles was a mistake. they literally never stop singing them!

even when they just walked in, they started singing drive my car as loud as possible.



"i should have never gotten them into the beatles." i whispered to johnny. he started giggling as me, pony, two bit, and johnny walked upstairs.

"ok johnny. how are you going to approach holland?" pony asked.

"umm, i-i don't know. ivye, what do you think?" johnny said, turning to me.

"what if i went up to her and said something like, 'holland, i got a surprise!' and have johnny pop out of nowhere." i said.

the room went silent, then two bit said "damn, you're pretty bad at coming up with plans." as he popped open the beer he grabbed earlier.

"well, then what ideas do you have?" i asked.

"actually, ivye, your idea wasn't that bad. what if you went up to holland and said something along the lines of 'i talked to johnny for you, and he wanted to meet you in person' and then johnny comes out. would that be good?" ponyboy said.

we looked at each other, nodded our heads, and turned back to him. "that sounds actually pretty good." johnny told him.

"when would we do it? like, in the morning or something?" i asked.

"whatever works for you guys." pony said.

the rest of the night went by, and me and johnny decided to meet up in the morning and i would head to holland's locker and have johnny hidden in one of the classrooms.

us four got to school, and pony and two bit wished us luck and we headed separate ways.

as me and johnny walked down the hall, my mind started to race.

"johnny, do think this will go well?"

"i guess we'll just have to wait and see."

towards the other end of the hallway, i spotted holland at her locker. we made our way as close as we could to her locker without being spotted, and when she looked over i shoved johnny into a classroom.

"hey ivye!" holland said energetically.

"hey holland." i replied. "lets go to your locker, i have to talk to you."

we walked over there as i started to say, "i talked to johnny for you."

her eyes went wide and she said, "what did he say? what did he say?"

"well, he told me he wanted to talk to you in person."

confusion was plastered all over her face as i heard johnny step out of the classroom and come up behind me. her jaw dropped and all that came out of her was "johnny?"

hey guys! this chapter is a bit shorter, but i wanted to leave it off here. and sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out, i was on spring break and i have been hanging out with friends the past few days. but i wanted to give a special thanks to yoongschubbycheeks for making my new cover for the story. i love it! don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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