Chapter 20

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"hey ivye, can i talk to you?" johnny said in a hushed voice.

"yeah, of course. whats up?" i responded, already knowing what was going to come.

johnny looked from side to side with a confused look in his eyes. "no, i mean like alone."

i was going to say something, but no words came out. "o-kay?" it came out as more of a question than a reply.

we both stood up, and i spotted steve and soda who were still seated on the couch look at me with glares of wonderment. i gave them a small shrug and headed to my room with johnny.

i walked in first and johnny closed the door behind us. "i think we both know what this is about." he said, not whispering anymore.

i sighed. "yeah, i think you're right."

"so, you were trying to set me up with holland even though you had feelings for me?" he asked, sitting down next to me on the bed.

"i did." i admitted.

"but why? why would you do that to yourself?" johnny asked, eager for an answer.

"i don't know, i just wanted to be a good friend to holland. she really liked you, and wanted to be back with you, so i figured she needed you more than i did. but holland said that i needed you more than she did, and here we are." i finished.

"ahh, i see. y'know, thats what i like about you. you always put everyone before yourself. thats a great quality to have."

i felt my cheeks start to turn red, and i prayed that johnny wouldn't notice. he took out a cigarette and started to smoke it.

i had never really liked the smell of cigarette smoke, it made me queasy and just overall uncomfortable. i turned my head to johnny, looked at his cigarette, then nodded my head as to signal to it.

"oh, you want one?" johnny asked, getting ready to take his lighter out along with a cigarette again.

"no, no. i was just trying to... uh... tell you that i..." my sentence dragged on as i tried to think of a reason that didn't sound mean.

"you're one of those people that don't like cigarettes, huh? they're actually really nice to have sometimes." he took the cigarette out of his mouth and shoved it in his pocket, probably saving it for later.

"thanks. now lets get back to our first topic. would you... maybe... want to try it out? like, our relationship and see how it goes?" i asked. i was surprised at how bold i was being. i was never this outgoing.

"shoot, ivye. i thought the guy was supposed to ask out the girl." we both awkwardly laughed and looked at each other. "i don't want to start anything too serious right away, but yeah. i would like to try."

a smile crept onto my face, and i just mumbled "thanks," not being able to say anything else.

we sat there for a moment when i stood up and left the room. i headed downstairs and made eye contact with pony, and he just gave me a wink like he knew what just happened. i rolled my eyes and sat back down in my spot on the couch that i was previously in. johnny went into the kitchen, probably to help darry make his chocolate cake.

"so ivye, what was that all about?" soda asked with a goofy grin plastered on his face. steve, who was sitting next to soda, looked at me eagerly, waiting for an answer.

"oh... it was just... uh... nothing. yeah, it was nothing." god, i am such a bad liar. and it must have been pretty noticeable too.

"you and i both know that 'nothing' is not what you were doing. now, tell me the real answer, or else." soda said, fake annoyance in his eyes. his eyes looked almost exactly alike to mine, considering we're siblings and all.

"or what?" i said, playing along to whatever sodapop was doing. i wasn't scared of him. hell, he could barely hurt a fly.

"or else... i'll tickle you!" he exclaimed, jumping at me and tickling my sides. i immediately burst out into a fit of laughter, and eventually i gave in.

"alright, alright! i'll tell. just please stop!" my laughter slowly calmed and i got ready to spill. my eyes glanced at steve, and his eyebrows were raised with confusion flaring in his eyes.

"oh yeah, sorry you had to see that, steve. i had to do what i had to do to get this secret out of her." soda said, shrugging. "now, tell us what just happened."

"you promise not to tell?" i asked. steve and soda looked at each other and quickly nodded.

i leaned in a bit closer so i could talk quieter. "well, me and johnny, may be becoming a... thing."

steve suddenly let out the biggest gasp i had ever heard. it was quite dramatic, honestly. but, what can i say? thats just steve being steve.

he quickly clasped a hand over his mouth as i looked to soda. soda looked the complete opposite of steve. he was completely unbothered by the news.

"i got two very different reactions and i wasn't expecting either of them." i wondered out loud.

us three all laughed, and i was surprised they weren't questioning me about it. i guess thats not necessarily a bad thing, however.

hey guys! i wanted to make this update sooner because i wanted to upload my next chapter on paul mccartney's birthday, and i wanted to give myself plenty of time to write it. and since my beatles story won't be out until this one is finished, i might at well wish him a happy birthday on here!

this is kind of unrelated, but i thought it was funny. since i've been reading so many beatles fics and writing my own, i automatically just have a british voice in my head now. whenever i think or read something, it just comes out british in my head. so im sorry if anyone in this chapter sounds a bit british lmao. and if you know anything about paul, he says "y'know" a LOT, and i've taken that up as a habit too. when i was proofreading this chapter, there were probably about three instances where i had to take "y'know" out, but i decided to keep one in there.

thank you guys for the support and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

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