Chapter 11

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"and thats my story." i said, finishing off my story with a few stray tears managing to escape. i looked up at holland, and her eyes just looked blank and she looked confused. "w-wow, ivye. i wasn't expecting that. i would say im sorry, but you've probably heard that way too many times by now, and it most likely doesn't carry any meaning for you anymore. just know that i care, and ill be here. even though we just met, i feel like i've known you forever." holland stated, placing her hand on my arm.

"yeah, you're right. 'im sorry' doesn't carry any meaning whatsoever to me now. so thank you for not saying it. but, yeah, it feels like i've known you forever. i guess you're just really easy to talk to." i said back.

she nodded at me then said "lets do something fun and get off this dark topic." she grabbed my wrist and pulled me up as i laughed a bit.

we went into her backyard as she got out a soccer ball.

the rest of the time i was there was the most fun i had had in god knows how long. we played outside until it was dark, kicking around the soccer ball and playing other sports. turns out we are both very athletic.

we went inside and i looked at the clock, which said 9:00. my eyes went wide as i said "holland, i've got to go. my brothers' gonna kill me!" i rushed to the front door with holland behind me as i called to her mom, "thank you for everything, lilly!" she responded with "anytime, sweetheart." as i ran out the door.

me and holland rushed into the direction of the greaser neighborhood, which wasn't too far from where holland lived. we were both very good sprinters, so we ended up getting to the greaser neighborhood quickly.

"holland, you don't have to come with me. ill be ok." i heaved while running.

"are you sure?" she heaved back.

"positive." i mumbled.

"whatever you say. see you tomorrow ivye!" she called while turning the other direction and running away.

my house was now in view, and i prayed that darry wouldn't be too harsh on me. i slowed down just before i got to the house and tried to catch my breath completely before walking in.

i walked up to the front door, took a deep breath, and walked in.

as soon as i walk in, i spot dally, darry, soda, pony, and johnny. all of them gave me a worried look as darry walked over to me and said "where the hell have you been ive?"

"i was at a friends house. i told johnny and pony where i was going." i said calmly.

"but we all weren't expecting you to be out that long. you are starting to turn into pony, not using your head."

"hey!" pony said from behind darry. i let out a small laugh as darry turned back to me and said "stop laughing. you need to learn to have common sense. maybe you and pony can work on that together." he walked away into the kitchen as i looked at the remaining gang.

we all just stared at each other until i said "well... im just gonna... get to bed." as i ran up the stairs.

as soon as i saw my bed, i realized how exhausted i was. i just changed into shorts and a t-shirt and plopped into bed.

in the morning

"ivye, ivye, wake up. we still have school today." i heard as i was gently being rocked.

"no." i mumbled.

"come on, you have to get up." the voice said sweetly.

"no." i mumbled again.

"alright, you asked for this." suddenly, my whole bed started to shake and i was being stepped on, so i opened my eyes to find johnny, pony, soda, and two bit jumping on the bed.

"what the hell guys!" i screamed.

"you weren't getting up when i asked you to, so this happened!" pony said while jumping. i laughed and put a pillow over my head as i said "alright, alright! im up." the jumping ceased as i crawled out of bed to get breakfast.

i ate a bowl of cereal then changed into my clothes for the day.

after we were all finished getting ready, i walked to school with johnny, pony, and two.

"so, how was your friend's last night? you stayed there for a while." johnny asked.

"yeah, it was actually really fun. i don't think i've actually ever hung out with a girl like that." i said.

"what was your friends name, again? i don't think i have even asked." pony said.

"oh, yeah. its holland." i replied.

pony, johnny, and two bit all stopped in their tracks and turned to me with wide eyes.

"holland?" they asked in unison.

"yeah, why? whats wrong?" i asked.

pony looked at johnny as he lowered his head.

hey guys! this chapter took a very long time to finish, i've been very preoccupied with school and track practices almost every day after school. but i will try my hardest to update more! don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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