Chapter 3

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i woke up and the faint smell of pancakes filled my nose. as much as i didn't want to go down there, those pancakes smelled pretty damn good. i rose from my bed and put my hair in two loose french braids and hesitantly opened my door. i walked downstairs to find soda, pony, darry, steve, and johnny at the table.

"hey ivye." they all said simultaneously.

"hi." i snarked. i sat down and took two pancakes off the stack in the middle of the table and dug in.

"why have you been acting like this? if you are going to live here with us, you'll need to respect your older brothers." pony stated.

"stop acting like you're so much older than me. we're less than a year apart." i scoffed.

"so? whether its 1 year or 10 years, we are still older than you and we've been living here a hell of a lot longer than you have." darry said, slightly sternly.

"did you think i wanted to move out when i was four? news flash, i didn't have a choice. get off your high horse and get your heads out of your asses." i finished shoving pancakes into my mouth and hurried up the stairs.


Sodapop's POV

ivye ran up the stairs, leaving all five of us staring in bewilderment. for a second, i forgot steve and johnny were even at the table.

"thats it, im going to go talk to her." darry stood up from the table angrily and i stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"darry, don't. she just needs some time to herself. she didn't want to move here, remember that. and even when she was little, she was extremely stubborn. just let it be, she'll come around eventually."

his face softened and i loosened my grip on his arm. he nodded and sat back down.

"i just don't understand how she can talk to us that way. its so disrespectful." darry mumbled.

"she hasn't liked us ever since she was about a year old. i wonder why she doesn't like us, though? we haven't done anything to her." pony questioned.

"no idea, but if she doesn't get that bad attitude in check, ill have to punish her eventually." darry said.


Ivye's POV

i flung myself onto my bed and put my head under my pillow. i think a few small tears escaped, but i wasn't full-out crying. i ended up falling asleep and woke up when the clock said 1:00 pm.

i heard a knock at my door and ignored it. the knock persisted so i finally yelled "what do you want?"

"its johnny." a voice said. johnny was the only person i felt like talking to at the moment. he slowly opened the door and gave me a small smile. he sat down at the edge of my bed and just looked at me.

"did you come here to stare or to talk to me?" i said jokingly. we both did an awkward laugh and it stayed silent for a few seconds.

"are you ok? what happened to you down there?" johnny asked.

"i knew i would have to confess to my feelings at some point, so why not now? i don't want to be here, thats the truth. i don't want to stay with my brothers, i would rather be living alone."

"yeah, i know that. you should still be respectful and nice to them though. they could have refused to take you in, but they didn't. just try to be a bit more respectful, ok? for me?" johnny said nicely.

"yeah, fine. i guess you're right. thanks johnnycakes." i said laughing, using the nick name we have all been calling johnny since we were little. johnny leaned in for a hug, and i leaned in to join him.

once we let go of our hug, johnny asked "besides, why do you have a grudge on your brothers anyway?"

i sighed and said "well, it started when i was really little, i can't even remember that far back. i started hating them when-" i was interrupted by a loud crash in the kitchen downstairs, and me and johnny looked at my closed door, then to each other. loud voices came from downstairs and a series of smaller crashes.

"what was that?" i whispered. we heard footsteps running up the stairs and my door flung open.

"ivye, stay here and don't make a sound. johnny, come with me." darry quietly said. johnny rose from my bed and headed out the door. "sorry, ive." he mumbled. he walked out of my room and closed my door and i heard a key from the outside lock my door.

my room was now silent, and i was extremely confused. i looked out of my window which overlooked the front yard and my eyes grew wide when i realized what was out there.

five mustangs were parked outside of our house, with soc girls ducked down inside of them. this could only mean one thing.

the socs came to our house looking for trouble.

hey guys! sorry this was kind of a filler chapter, but the next chapter should be exciting! don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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