Chapter 17

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just as the soc was about to make that cut deeper, i felt him suddenly fly off of me.

i didn't look to see who flung him off of me, partly because i didn't care and i just wanted that experience to end, and it hurt to move my head at all.

i just laid there, looking at the sky, confused out of my mind. everything happened so quickly.

then, i heard a car engine roar and speed away and running footsteps coming nearer. before i knew it, soda, darry, pony, and johnny were towering over me.

"o-oh my god, ivye!" johnny shrieked.

i tried to speak, but no words came out. the pain on my neck just fell away, and all i could think about was how scared i was. i felt a small tear escape and slide down my cheek. i wasn't crying because i was cut, i was crying because i was scared. the socs could have done anything to me.

suddenly, darry picked me up as we walked to the house. johnny ran up to my side and whispered softly, "those damn socs need to learn how to respect a lady."

johnny always knew how to lighten the mood. thats what i loved most about him.

i laid down on the couch as soda examined my cut.

"you'll have a scar there, it'll make you look real tuff though." soda said, coating a cotton ball in alcohol.

"w-will this burn?" i asked, even though i knew very well that it would.

"yeah, but only a little bit." soda said.

i sighed in relief. "actually, maybe a lot." he mumbled.

"what?" i didn't even have time to finish my thought before soda put the cotton ball to my neck, and pain shot throughout my whole head.

"motherfu-!" i couldn't finish what i was saying before darry intervened and said "nope, you can say swear words but the f word is banned."

i grimaced at the shooting pain that was still happening, and instead of saying what i was going to say, i just yelled, "mother trucker!" over and over again. i heard a few small giggles from someone, but i wasn't sure who.

sodapop removed the cotton ball from my neck and placed a large bandage on it with some healing ointment.

"those soc's got you real good, ive." soda said while cleaning up his first aid kit. "what made them want to beat you up?"

"they somehow figured out that my real name wasn't stacey from one of the first days i got here. and they said that by hurting me, it was the 'ultimate slap to the face' to the gang and dally."

pony, darry, soda, and johnny all just rolled their eyes. "why can't dallas learn to mind his own business and not mess with those socs?" pony asked rhetorically.

"wait, how did you guys even know i was in trouble?" i asked.

flashback to when it happened...

Johnny's POV

me and pony just glared wide-eyed at each other and ran inside to get darry and soda. we both just screamed for them and before we knew it, all four of us were sprinting down to the side of the road to the soc car in the distance.

we soon approached the car and i caught a glimpse of ivye under a soc, with a red blotch forming below her jawbone. i couldn't look for much longer before darry grabbed the soc and threw him off to the side.

ivye just laid there, looking confused as ever, probably too scared to do anything. the socs jumped up and ran straight to their blue mustang and hurriedly drove off.

us four all ran to ivye's side, and so many emotions were plastered on her face. she looked confused, scared, relieved, and others i couldn't put my finger on.

"o-oh my god, ivye!" i stuttered.

she looked as though she was about to speak, but couldn't get the words out. she looked scared out of her mind as a small tear fell down her cheek. i could tell she wasn't crying because of the pain; it was because she was scared. i felt that exact same feeling when the soc with the rings came after me. i could take pain, but fear never subsides.

darry picked her up as we started to walk the short way back to the curtis house. i wanted to make her feel more comfortable, and forget about the pain. so i ran up to her side and whispered "those damn socs need to learn how to respect a lady."

she gave a small, weak smile and i felt my cheeks growing red rapidly. ugh, that smile is so cute.

back to where it left off...

Ivye's POV

the boys finished telling their story as i just nodded my head. my hand drifted to my bandage as i slowly glided my fingers across it, still in shock after what had happened.

i felt someone's stare piercing into my head, and i turn to see johnny's eyes looking right at me. he was definitely thinking about something involving me, but i really didn't know what. and why did he have to be so cute? i knew i couldn't have him though. holland wanted and needed him more, and i needed to respect that.

or should i?

hey guys! thank you for 7k reads on this story! my summer break starts after next week, and i'll definitely try and write more over the summer.

and i changed my name on here too, so don't get confused lol. my name isn't just "jo" if you were wondering, its short for my real name. i don't want to put my real name out here but if anyone wants to really know feel free to message me!

i've decided that i do want to do a beatles story, and im trying to work out the plot and characters for it now so once this story is completed, i can move on to that one. im having trouble deciding on whether it should be about paul, ringo, or george. what do you guys want? ill read any suggestions! i think thats all for now, but thank you guys for supporting my story!

-jo ⭐️

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