Chapter 24

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"detention?" darry asked when i told him where i was.

"yeah." i sighed, hoping he wasn't too angry.

"ivye, when will you start using your head?" darry asked me.

"i don't know, i thought i was pretty good about using my head. do you think otherwise?" i replied, smirking at my witty response.

"i don't know what has gotten into you, but i won't accept this attitude of yours, you hear?" darry said, his anger rising. i wasn't that scared of him though, i knew he wouldn't hurt me. he was my brother after all.

"im just messin' with you. yeah, i hear." i responded. i walked into the living room of the house and spotted johnny just sitting there, alone.

"johnny, why are you just sitting here by yourself?" i asked giggling.

"i don't know, i guess i have no one to sit with." he responded, giving me a bright smile.

"well, i guess its your lucky day, i'll come and sit by you." i cringed at my awkwardness. why did i have to be so damn awkward?

"so, your birthday is coming up, what do you want?" johnny wondered out loud.

i want to be with you. "oh, i don't want anything in particular. i don't need anything, really."

"im not taking that as an answer. i'll just have to surprise you, i guess." he said, shrugging.

he continued to look at me, not saying anything. "you know, your eyes are really pretty, ivye."

"they look just like soda's." i stated, laughing.

"they fit you much better, though." he said while winking. his charm would make anyone smile.

i saw his glance move from my eyes to my lips, then back to my eyes again. me being bold, i did the same to him. we both were thinking the same thing.

johnny started to lean in, and i met him in the middle and our lips collided.

"oh SHIT!"

we both whipped our heads around to see two bit standing by the front door with a beer in his hand and his mouth agape.

"two bit, zip it!" i scream-whispered.

darry came running into the kitchen. "what's happening out here?"

if darry found out we were kissing, who knows what would happen? he may seem tough, but at the end of the day he wants to protect me, being the older protective brother he is.

me and johnny frantically made a "cut it out" motion and a "shush" motion, hoping he would get the hint.

he definitely saw us, but two bit being two bit, he didn't understand.

"i just saw ivye and johnny having a make out session on the couch!"

johnny leaned forward and rested his forehead in his hand while i leaned back on the couch and covered my face.

"two, it wasn't a make out session! it was literally a two second kiss that you just happened to walk in on." i said, still covering my face.

"you and johnny actually kissed?" darry asked as i finally sat up.

"i mean, maybe..." i said, shrugging and looking down.

"well, im ok with it. just please, get a room if you are going to do the dirty and please have safe sex. we don't want another curtis runnin' around." darry responded, calmly.

our reactions, however, were quite the opposite. me and johnny both just yelled "DARRY!" in a disgusted way as two bit immediately burst into laughter.

"oh yeah, and don't you dare hurt my kid sister, or you'll be hearing from me." darry said, a threatening tone in his voice and walking away.

johnny looked slightly scared, but when he saw me smiling, he loosened up and smiled back too.

"don't worry 'bout him, johnny. he wouldn't hurt you, he knows not to." i reassured him.

"i know, that doesn't stop me from being scared though." he replied.

later on that evening, me and johnny decided to head up to my room for some alone time.

"so johnny, i feel like we know each other but we don't know know each other, right?" i asked as he gave me a very confused look.

"what do you mean by 'know know?' i think we know each other pretty damn well." he wondered out loud.

"well, yes, we know each other, but we don't know anything about each other. we know each other's personalities, but not what we like or stories that made us who we are today." i answered.

he thought about it for a moment, then slowly nodded his head. "i think you're right."

i sighed. "yeah, i knew i was right. so, i'll tell you a story about me first. i was probably about nine years old, and after i moved out of here and lived with my adopted parents, there was this one girl named lillian. now lillian was a bully. she would beat me up, spit on me, and joke because i was adopted. i was too afraid to tell my parents, so i kept it a secret and did nothing about it until i couldn't any longer. so one day, i started to work out and build up muscle. and after a week or two after doing push-ups literally every moment of every day, i walk right up to lillian and slap her. i told her to leave me alone and that i wasn't going to allow her to do this to me any longer, and that finally shut her up." i started to laugh towards the end of my story.

"damn ive, you've got balls. i like that about you though. you aren't afraid to do what you want." johnny said, giving me a small smile.

i rolled my eyes and waved his compliment away.

"im being serious, ivye. i really like that trait in a girl."

my cheeks were rapidly growing red, and it was hard to stop it. "ok, that was my story. now, tell me yours."

johnny looked nervous. "well... i have one story in mind. i don't know if i should say it though."

i could tell he looked distraught just thinking about it. i didn't want to force him into telling me the story if he wasn't comfortable, but i thought he should. its not healthy to bottle up feelings.

"well, im not going to make you tell me, but you look like you have a heavy story on your mind and it might lift a weight off of your chest if you tell me."

he continued looking down at his hands, then turned to me and nodded, whispering "ok."

hey guys! im leaving for a small vacation tomorrow, so i don't know how much i'll write over vacation. i'll do what i can though!

update on my hard rock hotel experience in october this year: ever since i figured out we would be going there this year, i wanted to go to the john lennon room. i won't get into detail about whats in it (you can look it up if you're really interested) but it looks so cool! and i just figured out about this free secret tour that you can take that takes you around to all of the memorabilia in the cafe and more which includes the john lennon room. and i realized we are going at the beginning of october and i swear if i go to the john room on john's birthday (october 9) i might cry 😂 we don't have a set date for this trip yet i just know it will be at the beginning of october which leaves a good chance that i might be there for john's bday which is super cool.

does anyone ever read my rants or am i just talking to myself? i feel like no one reads them lmao.

ok sorry for the rambling but don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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