Chapter 21

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i spoke too soon. shortly after, soda and steve started to question me.

"so, like a thing thing? or just a casual thing?" steve asked.

"uhhh... i don't know." i replied back.

"what should your guys's name be? ivnny? iohnny? oh, i have the PERFECT one. jivye!" soda said, getting genuinely excited.

"thats perfect!" steve responded with equal excitement.

"first of all, what is this name thing? and second, why do we need a name? shoot, we haven't even started going out yet! and i hope you do know that johnny is literally in the room right next to this one." i sighed, confused as to why they were making a huge deal out of this.

soda and steve looked at each other, almost as if they couldn't believe what i was saying.

"you put your name and your significant other's name together. every couple needs a name together, it makes their names easier to say. and of course we know johnny is in the next room over, he needs to know this too. isn't that right, johnny?" steve said, turning around and facing the kitchen to yell at johnny.

"i don't know what the hell this whole name thing is." johnny replied back, not emerging from the kitchen just yet.

"wait a minute- since when is johnny my significant other?" i asked.

"well, it doesn't have to be a significant other. it can be anyone you're romantically interested in." sodapop replied.

i rolled my eyes. "i should just give up. you two obviously want this whole name thing to happen."

"and that we do." steve said, standing up with soda to go over to the kitchen table where darry was setting down a fresh chocolate cake. i stood up and walked over too, realizing that the cake was ready.

darry took the knife and cut even slices into the cake. me and johnny made eye contact, and i saw thats his cheeks were a light pink. it looked as if he had been blushing recently.

the whole gang, excluding two bit and dallas, sat around the table, ready to dig in. we were all big eaters, even me. i guess i get it from my three brothers.

darry passed out all of the plates and as soon as each of us got our plates, we immediately dug in. the whole cake was gone in a matter of five minutes, and we all felt fat and happy afterwards.

"does anyone know where two bit and dally are?" i asked, leaning back in my chair.

"two bit's out with a new girl of his, and god knows where dally is." steve said, letting out a big burp afterwards.

"NICE ONE!" soda yelled, pointing at steve.

we all went into the living room, and i sat down on the couch. johnny seemed to pop out of nowhere, and he sat next to me. he slowly reached his arm around me, almost hesitant. i rolled my eyes and laughed, grabbing his wrist and slinging his arm around my shoulder. he was surprised by the gesture at first, but he eventually got used to it.

i made eye contact with soda, and he gave me a small wink. i winked back and turned to look at johnny. his eyes were already latched onto mine and we just stayed looking at each other for a good five seconds.

"hey, lovebirds! yoohoo, over here! two bit called and said he's bringing his new girl over for us to meet." pony said, snapping his fingers to get out attention.

"oh, thats nice." i smiled, hoping she was nice and that we may be able to become friends.

we were all talking to each other for the next few minutes when a knock at the door made all of our heads turn.

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