Chapter 25

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"it wasn't that long ago, maybe like a year or so ago," johnny started. "me and pony were goin' to the park. we saw that damned blue cadillac drive up behind us, and we knew the socs were lookin' for us.

"before that though, we were at the drive in with two soc girls. they were nice, not like your normal soc. their boyfriends found out and thats when they tracked us down and followed us to the park. and then..."

he started to trail off, getting lost in his thoughts. i could tell this story hurt him to tell.

"and then what?" i asked, resting my hand on his as to comfort him.

"and then... they tried to kill pony. they were drownin' him in the fountain."

my jaw dropped at what johnny said. i immediately wanted revenge on whoever hurt my brother.

johnny saw the look of anger in my face. "ivye, i know you, and i know you are going to try to get back at those socs. but please don't, you won't be able to hurt them all yourself, you know that."

my body relaxed, and i just slowly nodded my head. "alright, continue your story."

"they were killing him, and i knew i needed to do something. i didn't know what to do, so the first thing i thought of was my switchblade. i took it out, a-and i... i sliced him. i cut him real good too. it almost killed him. we had to go through a whole court trial and everything. in the end, we weren't in trouble. but there you go, thats my story."

i sighed, going over his story in my head. who were these socs? what would have happened if  they would have killed pony, or if johnny would have killed that soc?

i didn't want to think about it any longer.

"see, don't you feel better now that you've told me that?" i asked him, resting my hand on his.

"you know, i actually kind of do. it felt nice to talk to someone about it. thanks, ivye." we both leaned in and embraced each other in a big hug. i didn't want to leave his arms, i felt safe.

i also felt like we grew closer from this. we thought we knew each other, which we did. but we became vulnerable around each other, and thats when you truly see one another.

we pulled away, smiles on both of our faces.

"i hope you two aren't shagging in there!" darry's voice boomed through the door.

we looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"you don't need to worry, darry. we aren't doing anything." i yelled back.

"is that our cue to head downstairs?" johnny asked.

"probably." i replied.

we both made our way downstairs to find dally along with the rest of the gang.

dally's eye was still partially discolored from his fight he got into, but his lip had shrunk to normal size.

dally saw us come down and tilted his head, like he was thinking. "are you two like a... thing now?" dallas asked, lighting a cigarette.

i so badly wanted to tell him to stop, but no one tells dallas what to do. well, maybe johnny.

"im not really sure. do you think we're a thing?" i asked sarcastically, tilting my head to match him.

dally's eyes went from the ground to my eyes.

"what did you say you little shit?" he wondered out loud, turning to me.

"don't call my kid sister a little shit, dallas. if i hear it one more time, you'll have to deal with me." darry threatened.

dally knew that the only one that posed a threat to himself was darry. he could take any one of us except darry.

dally shot darry an evil glance and made his way to the couch.

dally didn't scare me that much; i knew he couldn't and wouldn't hurt me. and besides, if he ever did, i had three brothers that had my back.

"but i am kind of curious, is there anything going on between you two?" steve asked, shoving a slice of chocolate cake into his mouth.

me and johnny exchanged glances with each other and turned back to steve.

"um... possibly? we aren't exactly sure yet." i answered.

"oh, so its like an experiment?" soda chimed in, smirking slightly.

"i mean, i guess you can call it that. what would you say, ive?" johnny asked, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"i would say that sounds correct." i said, turning my head to look up at him. we stayed like that for a few short seconds until the sweet moment was ruined by two bit.

"god, why don't you two just date already?" two bit asked, taking a big sip of beer and joining dallas on the couch.

i rolled my eyes and made our way to the living room along with the rest of the gang, with johnny taking the last spot on the couch.

"johnny, there's no room for me." i stated.

"could one of you fellas move or somethin' so ivye can sit?" johnny asked, turning to dally and two bit next to him.

"nope." they both blatantly said with a straight face.

"its ok johnnycakes, i'll just sit on the floor."

i sat down in between his legs on the ground, resting my elbows on his legs. i noticed that he began to twirl bits of my hair around his finger, making me smile.

the rest of the night consisted of laughing, joking, and talking with the gang. and to think that i thought i would be living in hell when i first came. this was the exact opposite.

thank you all for 14k! can we get to 15k?

sorry for the late chapter, i've been very busy lately. if you couldn't tell, i had some writers block at the end of the chapter so please ignore some of that haha.

and y'all may not even care about this, but my friend air dropped me this photo of george harrison and i couldn't stop laughing at it for a whole five minutes lol.

his abs look really good tho 😳😳

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his abs look really good tho 😳😳

sorry for the rambling, but don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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