Chapter 12

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"answer me! what's wrong with holland?" i said louder.

johnny looked at pony as to tell him to say what happened. "holland and johnny dated for two years, and holland broke johnny's heart when she cheated on him."

my eyes went wide. i knew i shouldn't care that my new friend previously dated my crush, but it bothered me. it bothered me a lot.

it probably doesn't even matter though, johnny doesn't like me anyway.

and how could holland do that? she seems like such a sweet girl, she doesn't seem the type to do things like that.

"she claimed she didn't cheat on me, which i don't believe one bit. shoot, i saw her kissing matt stevens right in front of me!" johnny said.

"did holland say anything to you when you told her you were a curtis?" two bit asked. "i mean, she was over there at least four days out of the seven."

i thought about it, and i realized i didn't remember if she had a reaction. i don't think i even told her that i was a curtis. "i didn't tell her i was a curtis." i said quietly.

"you didn't tell her?" pony asked.

"i guess it didn't seem very important to me at the time." i replied.

"well, it is pretty damn important." pony muttered.

"well how was i supposed to know holland and johnny dated? and why are you getting so worked up about this?" i said, my voice raising a little bit.

"johnny got hurt by one of your friends, and you would have known that if you had been here throughout his life too!" pony yelled.

we all went silent as a tear dripped down my cheek. pony's face softened and said, "ivye, i-i didn't-"

"there was no way i could have controlled moving out when i was younger. but god knows i was happy to get away from my brothers. i thought you changed, pony. i guess i was wrong. im taking the long way to school." i said calmly while walking in the other direction.

johnny's POV

once ivye told me that her and holland were friends, i couldn't believe it. how could my crush be friends with the girl that broke my heart?

it probably doesn't even matter though, ivye doesn't like me anyway.

she was kissing matt stevens right in front of me, and tried to play it off as the cliché "its not what it looks like!" but i could clearly see what it looked like. and it hurt like i was being burned alive.

pony has always been protective over me; the whole gang has. when this whole conversation was brought up, pony got extremely territorial. him and ivye started to argue, and i didn't want to speak up.

damn me and my timid self.

pony said something that offended ivye, which should not have been said. pony messed up bad on this one.

ivye went off into the opposite direction as we normally go as me, pony, and two bit called out for her.

"johnny, i don't know why i said that. it just kind of came out. and just when she was starting to like us again." pony said quietly.

"she'll come around eventually. you do need to apologize to her, though." two bit said.

"yeah, i know." pony mumbled.

the rest of the walk to school was silent, and me and two bit went to first period study hall with ivye.

"hey ive. how you doin'?" i asked, patting her arm.

"i don't want to talk about it." she muttered sadly. her eyes had small tear stains below them.

"i really think you should forgive pony. he didn't think about what he said, it just came out. and he knows you didn't have any control about when you moved. he just didn't think. pony feels really bad about saying it, ivye."

she just looked up at me and stared.

ivye's POV

i looked up at him, and just shook my head. "i would like to hear that from him."

the rest of the period i was quiet. i don't think i even thought of anything that whole time, my mind just felt empty. worn out.

after that period, i moved on to PE with holland and pony. i was planning to ask holland about johnny.

we got into the gym, and i could tell pony was just staring at me. we started to run around the gym and i caught up with holland.

"hey holland." i said quietly.

"hey ivye! whats up?" she asked energetically.

"so... are there any cute boys in this school? have you dated any?" i asked discreetly.

"well, i think ponyboy curtis is kind of cute." she said.

my eyes grew two times bigger and i just tried to smile politely.

"and, i did have a previous boyfriend. his name was johnny cade." she said.

and there it was.

"you said previous. why is that?" i said while our teacher blew the whistle to stop running.

"its a long story. do you want me to tell you now?" she said with a sad look on her face.

"if you want to." i said.

"lets get this fact out of the way right off the bat; i didn't cheat on johnny."

hey guys! this was a fun chapter to write, and i really hope you enjoyed it! and i forgot to say this on my last update, but thank you guys for 1k reads! it means a lot! and i put a little easter egg in here about johnny in the book when he ran into the burning church, good job if you found it! don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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