Chapter 9

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"my name is, uhhh, ivye. well, you already knew that. and... thats all." i managed to say while quickly walking back to my seat. two bit was turning purple because he was laughing so hard, and johnny was playfully slapping him to try to get two to stop. all the socs started laughing at me and chanted "greaser girl! greaser girl!"

when the socs started doing that, two bit stopped laughing immediately and went to them.

"hey! don't you laugh at her, or you're gonna have to deal with me and my gang."

"woah! we are so scared. we will definitely back off." one of the socs said sarcastically. but of course, two bit being two bit, he didn't pick up on the sarcasm.

"good. have a great day boys." he walked away smiling while the socs laughed some more.

"those boys were really nice!" two bit said to me and johnny. johnny was trying so hard not to laugh, and i was just so embarrassed.

"two, they were being sarcastic." johnny said while laughing.

i couldn't see two bit since my head was down with embarrassment, but im sure his eyes were wide. "they were?!" he questioned. i nodded my head and heard two bit say "ivye, whats wrong?"

"that was so embarrassing." i said. two bit grabbed my shoulders and pulled backwards so my body ended up just flopping over the back of my seat and my head was out of my hands.

"hey, you can see now!" two exclaimed. the bell rang for my next period which was p.e. with ponyboy. i rushed out of my class and headed to the girls locker room.

p.e. has always been one of my favorite classes. i was a runner, and i played volleyball. i also did basketball, but basketball isn't my favorite. when i got to the locker room, there weren't many girls at all. there were only about six girls in there including me, most of them being socs. once i changed, i headed into the gym to find pony. when i walked in, he looked as if he were waiting for me too.

"hey, ive! how did your first period with johnny and two go?" he asked.

"it was definitely the most embarrassed i've ever been in my entire life, lets just say that." we both laughed as the gym teacher blew the whistle for us to start running.

me and pony were by far the best runners in that gym. when we were younger we would always race each other, but against my own will though. pony would kind of make me. but hey, that peer pressure turned me into the runner i am today.

we ended up lapping everyone about twice, except for this one middle class girl who stayed close behind us. once the teacher blew the whistle again, we all stopped running and walked over to him to get directions.

"now class, for todays workout we will be doing sprints with a partner." me and pony looked at each other, nodded, and turned back to the teacher. "but, your partner has to be the same sex as you."


i didn't know anyone else in this class besides pony, and almost all of the girls were soc girls. the p.e. teacher sent us off to find our partners, and all of the soc girls found their partners. i was sitting there just wondering what to do next when i felt a tap on my shoulder.

"looks like we're the only girls left." a voice said. i turned around to see the one middle-class girl standing over me. she held out her hand to help me up off of the ground as she pulled me up.

she was about and inch taller than i was with dirty blonde hair just below her shoulders. she had light green eyes that looked pretty friendly.

"so, whats your name?" she asked.

"im ivye. how about you?" i replied.

"im holland, nice to meet you." she held out her hand for me to shake it, which i obliged to.

"well, we should probably get to the workout." holland stated. i nodded my head as we walked over to the wall where everyone else was with their partners.

"now, the plan for today is one partner is going to sprint down to the other wall and sprint back. you must high five each other in between switches and after you complete the cycle five times, we will take a short break and start again. got it?" the teacher asked. we all nodded as holland got in front of me to go first. he blew the whistle and she was off.

i wish i could have watched her longer, but a soc decided to talk to me. "greaser girl, what are you doing in this class? the only girls that are supposed to be in here are the higher class, not the lower." she said overly-sweet.

"im here to get stronger, while you are only her to impress your boyfriends. only, they don't look very impressed." i said back. when i said it, holland was back and high fived my hand as i bolted down to the other wall.

hey guys! this episode was kind of boring, but i have added a new character! get used to her, she'll be around a lot ;) don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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