Chapter 16

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Johnny's POV

im happy i got the whole holland drama off my chest. i was happy i rekindled my relationship with her, but i wasn't ready to have romance with her again.

i was in love with ivye.

of course, i may have still had some feelings for holland, and maybe more than i want to admit. but ivye was the girl i wanted to be with.

all i could think of the rest of the day was that situation with holland. lets hope she doesn't take this in the opposite direction.

"hey pony." i said sighing while walking out of the school.

"hey johnny, whats up?" pony said while his walking stopped so i could catch up to him.

"not the greatest, i will have to say." i muttered under my breath.

pony must have heard because he said "whats wrong? is it something about what happened with holland this morning?"

i nodded my head.  "thats what i wanted to talk to you about."

"well, throw it at me, johnnycakes."

"i want me and holland to be friends again, but i don't want her to take it the wrong way. im just gonna come out and say it, i like ivye."

my face grew hot as i said those words, and i waited to see what pony's reaction was. he looked slightly confused and excited at the same time.

"well shoot johnny, you should have told us that earlier! but i think you and my little sis would make a great couple." pony said while hanging his arm casually around my shoulder.

i had almost forgotten about the fact that ivye was ponyboy's little sister. "thanks man." i mumbled. we neared the curtis house when in the distance, we saw a parked soc car by the lot.

"that can't mean anything good." pony sighed. "come on, lets get inside."

as we were about to walk into the front door, we heard a girls scream come from the direction of the soc car. one thought and one thought only raced through my mind.


Ivye's POV

i decided to take the long way home from school, i had nothing better to do. and it's kind of peaceful to walk by yourself sometimes. and that's exactly what my walk was for most of it.

well, until i heard the sound of a car engine roaring and the deep laughter of socs behind me.

my first instinct was to try and hide. i saw a bush and, as cliche as it sounds, i dove behind the bush, trying my hardest to stay out of sight. unfortunately, it didn't work.

footsteps and laughter approached where i was hiding, and i debated on whether i should stay or try and escape.

but i didn't have much time to think about it since the socs were now towering over me.

"well, well, well, mini greaser. or should i say, 'stacey?'" one of the socs said. i had no idea what he was talking about, until i remembered one of the first days i arrived in tulsa;

"whats your name, kid?" he asked.

"w-why should i have to tell you?" i mumbled, my fear failing to hide itself.

"w-w-w-why? because we'll skin your hood friends if you don't." he said mocking me.

i decided to lie, since i had no idea what they could do to me if they knew my name.

"my names... uhhh... stacey." i lied.

"well stacey, since you decided to be good and tell us, we will let you and your hoods go. hows that for a deal?"

"sounds great." i scoffed angrily.

"thats just perfect." the soc said while smiling and ruffling my hair.

"i know your name isn't stacey, mini hood."

well, shit.

their bodies reeked of alcohol, and i gagged excessively to show them how horrible they smelled. they just looked at each other, back at me, then laughed.

i really didn't know what to do next. i wasn't sure if i should say something to them, or just stay quiet.

"you want to know what happens when someone lies to me?" the soc said, bending down so he was eye level with me.

"n-no." i managed to mutter. dammit, why couldn't i be braver?

"i almost feel bad about doing this to you, i really do. but this is revenge for what your little hood friends threatened to do to us." he smiled and suddenly lunged at me. his knees had already succeeded in pinning down my legs, and his hands slowly tried to push my arms down. i fought back hard, and he was struggling to pin my arms.

but, my arms gave out and flew straight to the ground.

"let me go." i said in a demanding voice.

"now why should i?" he asked, the smell of beer drifting into my nose, making me gag once again.

"because i haven't done anything!" i muttered forcefully.

"you lied, even though thats not why im doing this. you're that greaser gangs pet, and i know that if i hurt you, its the ultimate slap in the face to all of them, especially dallas winston."

he switched one of my arms into his other hand and pulled out his switch blade.

oh hell no. i thought to myself.

he slowly raised the blade so it was right below my jaw bone and he made a shallow incision into my skin.

i grimaced, and let out a cry.

the gang better get their asses over here.

please read below!!

i knew i said i wasn't going to have long periods in between my upload dates, but here we are.

don't expect super frequent updates very much from me, im still incredibly busy and kind of unmotivated to write, but i know people like this story so im going to keep writing it. i think part of the reason im not uploading very often is because im not as into the fandom anymore. don't get me wrong, the outsiders is still my favorite movie and book and that hasn't changed, im just not a part of the fandom as much as i used to be.

but, like i said, i know people like this story so i won't leave you guys hanging :)

and i have been kind of thinking about starting a beatles story after this one is done, but would anyone read it? please tell me what you think! im almost scared to write one because there is so much to learn and know about the beatles, and because i am sort of a newer fan, im afraid i wont get something historically accurate and get attacked for it, lol.

sorry this is kind of long, i just wanted to update you guys on this story.

thank you guys for all the support!!

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