Chapter 18

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another day of school started, and me, johnny, and pony walked to school together. two bit claimed he was "sick" and couldn't come, but we all knew he was just trying to get out of his math test that he was going to definitely flunk.

soda and darry made me go to school with a large bandage below my jaw, against my protests.

the walk to school was pretty boring, same old same old. i caught johnny sneaking glances at me, but every time i turned my head to look at him he quickly just made his gaze go back to looking ahead. i found it kind of odd, but didn't think much of it.

we walked into the school and headed to our first periods. as i was walking, i saw holland scanning the crowds of people, and when she saw me, her searching demeanor stopped as she yelled "hey, ivye!"

i gave her a bright smile as i approached her. "oh my, ivye, what happened to your neck?" she asked. i had almost forgotten about my injury.

"damn socs happened to me." i whispered, and holland just rolled her eyes in response. "do those socs know any better to not pick on you and your family? shoot, you and your brothers could fight off a group of them if given the opportunity."

"well, i guess this was just the way things were meant to be. greasers hate socs, socs hate greasers. that will never change." i sighed. holland just nodded her head, knowing i was right.

"oh yeah, i wanted to talk to you about something." holland started. she paused, waiting for me to ask about it. "whats up?"

"i-i've been thinking about it, and i see the way you look at johnny and the way johnny looks at you. and you guys have known each other forever, i feel like you and johnny should be together. and i know you are going to try and deny that you have feelings for him, but i can tell you do."

well, shit.

i just stood wide eyed, unsure of what to say next. i put my feelings aside for johnny because i wanted holland to be with him. but apparently holland wants me to be with him, and johnny possibly likes me too?

things just got a hell of a lot more complicated.

"wait, i thought you wanted him back?" i asked, my body feeling overwhelmed with the new information i had just received.

"i thought i did, but i see the way johnny looks at you. he never looked at me like that. i don't want to go for him if he's not the one im meant to be with, y'know?"

i stood frozen, then smiled, realizing that i could now have a good shot with johnny. "you're the best holland!" i exclaimed while opening my arms as we gave each other a hug. suddenly, the bell rang and we exchanged looks at each other and ran off to our separate classes.

my first period, of course, just happened to be with johnny in study hall. two bit would have been there too, but he skipped. i ran into class, thankful the teacher hadn't yet arrived to mark me as late. i sat down next to johnny, out of breath.

"well that was close." johnny whispered as i rolled my eyes, laughing awkwardly. little did he know that i was almost late because of him.

since study hall was meant just for catching up on work that you missed or if it was late, i didn't have much to do that whole period. i put my binder on my desk, resting my arms on my binder and my head on my arms. me and johnny stayed sitting in a very awkward silence, not wanting to speak to each other for practically the same reason.

i suddenly felt a burning gaze right on me, so i turn my head to find johnny whip his head back to the front of the class, like he hadn't been doing anything at all. was holland right about him staring at me a lot?

turns out, i was now the one doing the staring because johnny looked at me and said "you know that i can see you staring at me, right?"

i felt my cheeks get hot as they probably started to turn red. i wasn't sure what to say so i just slowly turned my head back to its original position on my arms. i could definitely use someone to talk to right now about this situation. well, the only person that knows most of this situation is pony.

so i guess he's going to have to do.

hey guys! sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than normal, i didn't want to get into something new right towards the end of the chapter. i feel like my story is kind of sucking right now, it seems like nothing much is happening. do you guys feel that way too? please tell me!

today was my last day of school, and now i am officially a high schooler! (i was in eighth grade if you didn't know.) hopefully now that summer is here i will be able to write more, but i have cheerleading practice over the summer and we do a lot of conditioning, so thats fun 😒

and as for my beatles story, i have the introduction and almost two full chapters written in my drafts! im not sure when the full story will be released, but i will tell you guys the name of it! it will be called "oh! darling" and it will be about paul. i find beatles stories a lot easier to write about, partly because its not just a book and movie to go off of, they were a real thing and a real group, and there is so much more to learn and know about them. but i still love the outsiders! and since i've been reading so many beatles fics and writing mine, i always talk in a british accent in my head on accident lmao

i just wanted to update you guys on everything, and feel free to vote, comment, and follow. thanks for supporting my story!

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