
2.5K 24 5

                          2nd person

???: Come on out little buddy.

A guy with orange hair said into the woods. He was looking for someone that ran away from him.

You: shit shit shit shit

You said as you ran through the woods. You stop a tree to hid behind as well as rest for a little. You hear leaves crunching to you right. You hide behind a bush as you hear him walk past.

You: *sigh* he's gone, finally.

You say in relief.

???: *Chuckles darkly* Not so easily (Y)

                         3rd person

The camera pans out to see the Emerald Forest, only to hear bones breaking, screams of pain, cries for help, and laughing.

(Shit may change)

Absolute Insanity (Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now