Getting A New Weapon

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1st Person

I was walking with Ruby and Blake down to the weapons shop. We had to get a new weapon me after that encounter. I was thinking of something like a double sided scythe that can turn into two sickles with chains like I had before. I like that I idea, anyway we arrived at the weapons shop.

???: Hello there newcomers, welcome to Steve's double sided delights! I'm Steve.

You: Hello there, I need a new weapon. I have an idea for one.


After I told him how my scythe/sickle combo will work. He started making it.

Steve: *In the back* IT'S GONNA BE DONE IN A WEEK!

You: OK!

We left the weapons shop and Blake and I were draged by Ruby to go to a bakery.


You: *sigh* You are lucky that I love you Ruby.

Blake: *makes cat eyes* I thought you lwoved me?

You: *chuckles* I do love you, Blake. I just love Ruby as a sibling would.

We arrive at the bakery, I buy all of the cookies Ruby wants. That put a fucking dent in my wallet. I walk out to get some fresh air, only to get sent flying into an ally way. I get up only for a booted foot to keep me down.

3rd Person

Cinder and her lackies were standing around (Y). Cinder foot place firmly in his back, Mercury's arms replaced. As well as Emerald being completely fine and angry.

You: HeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheHahahahahahahahahahahahah. You seriously think you can beat me?

He trips Cinder and uses her as a meat shield to block a kick from Mercury. Cinder grunts in pain, and Mercury is caught off guard. (Y) runs and punches Mercury in the face, sending him into the ground. Emerald uses an illusion to distract him, only for it to backfire and for (Y) to start choking Emerald, due to her being right in front of him. His grip tightens around Emerald's neck as she claws at his arms, trying to free herself.

1st Person

I just started choking Tai as he tries to escape my grip.

You: *Chuckles* You're getting out of here Tai.

He starts to disappear as Blake replaces him. I immediately let go and drop her. I feel a kick hit my back as I'm sent to the ground. I turn around and see Blake and Ruby standing above me, smiling.

3rd Person

As (Y) is having phycological torture done to him. Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder are standing above him.

Cinder: .............. Show him his worst fear.

Emerald: W-WHAT! You know what happened when we showed him his worse fear!

Cinder: Do it.

Emerald shows (Y) his worst fear as his eyes turn into what they were before. He quickly trips Cinder as her face quickly meets his knee. He gets up and smashes Mercury into a wall, amputates him again, this time it's both arms and legs. Emerald tries to hit him only for her to get sent into a trashcan. Cinder fires a fireball at him, he gets hit by it. Cinder smiles, thinking she killed him. Only for him to jump out the inferno, his clothing burnt to Kingdom Come, punching her in the face, smashing her into a wall, and finally planting her into the ground. He breaths heavily, walking out of the ally way.

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