Adorable Little Kitty

398 13 54

3rd Person

Three familiar figures are at the edge of a building overlooking the docks.

Sun: Hey, I got you guys some food.

He says as he has two apples in his hand.

You: *sigh* You're insufferable, you know that?

1st Person

Blake, Sun, and I are just standing on top of a building, looking for White Fang. Speaking of which, their here.

Blake: Oh no.

Sun: That's them?

You: The hells it look like monkey boy?

He glares at me and give a glare to him, my eyes turning black and red. He cowers under my glare and goes back to staring at the docks. I see the Ginger-Haired Fuckwit himself walk out of the bullhead.

Roman: Come on you animals! Pick up the pace! We're not the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves around! No, you idiot this isn't a leash!

Blake: The White Fang would never work with a human, especially one like that.

She jumps down as I reach out for her, only for me to miss.

You: *Sigh* Maximum Effort!

I jump down afterwards and run towards Roman. I decided to have some fun. I appear in front of him.

You: SUP FUCKER! WANNA SEE A DEAD BODY! *Eyes goes black and red*

Roman: *Screams like a girl*

You: *deathly tone while putting knife to his neck* You better tell us everything you know or we'll put your little operation to a halt.

Roman: *chuckles* well I wouldn't call this a little operation. *points up*

You: *Hears bullheads* You have got to be sh-

I couldn't finish my sentence as I was launched all the way across the dock, smashing into a metal crate.

You: Uhhh, my head hurts.

I hear Roman walking towards me as he chuckles. He points behind me, I look only to see that Blake has been captured and restrained. I growl at him.

Roman: Now now. Let me ex-

I didn't give him enough time to react as I lunge toward him, my eyes going haywire. I grab him and trow him into a container, he groans in pain. I start walking towards him only for the bullheads start firing at me, shredding through my aura as I'm riddled with bullets. (Alucard style) They stop firing after a few seconds, I hear Blake and Ruby calling to me as I fall to the floor.

3rd Person

(Y) is just laying there, emotionless, unmoving. What people didn't expect was for him to start chuckling, creeping everyone the fuck out. He slowly starts getting up, the holes fixing themselves, he gives the White Fang and Roman a terrifying glare. He didn't give anyone anytime to register what just happened. He charges at them while hitting play on his scroll. It starts playing "ready to die". Everyone is terrified of him right now. He starts moving at speed that makes Ruby look like she's not using her semblance when sprinting. He just starts launching WF members into crates and Roman loses an arm.

You: *Alucard laugh while holding Roman's arm*

He's just standing there, menacingly. Laughing his ass off.

You: Release restraint level 3.

He charges at them while his eyes go black and red while his pupils glowing white. He just goes ham on the rest of the WF members. Roman gets away fortunately, cause he's actually a good character, *mutters* unlike Ice Queen over there. He finally calms down and passes out due to the amount of energy he used.

(Small Timeskip)

You: Uhhh, my head hur-hang on a minute, I've said this before, and how am I in my room? I was at the docks before, wasn't I? *thinks* Oh now I remember, I released restraint level 3. Hmmm. I should go look in the mirror.

He walks over to his bathroom and sees his eyes are still as they were before.

1st Person

You: That's pretty neat.

I hear the door open to reveal Blake and Ruby holding flowers. I see them and wave. They drop the flowers, run at me and knock me on my ass, FOR THE THIRD TIME!

You: *groans* Listen I know I scared you, but you have to not knock me on my butt.

Blake and Ruby: We know, but we missed you, you've been out for 6 days.

You: I've been out of for that long? Damn. I should probably see if my weapons are ready, wanna come?

Blake: Sure.

Ruby: Yes, please.

You: Alright, now can you get offs of me? I need to get ready.

Ruby let's go and leaves while Blake stays; cuddling to my chest. She gives that look that I owe her.

You: *Sigh* Fine, what shall thy ask from me.

Blake: You know what I want~ *kisses me*

I kiss back, looks like I'm in for a long night after this is done.


We were at the weapons shop. I walk in to see that the guy is still here. The bell rings as he turns to us. He recognizes me and goes to the back.

Steve: *Places weapon on tge counter* Here's you weapon, buddy, Happy hunting.

I grab the beautifully crafted double sided scythe and sheath it on me back. I put a generous amount of lien on the table and walk out. Ruby pulls us to another bakery, I buy the cookies again, putting ANOTHER dent in my wallet. We walk back to the bullheads that take us to Beacon.

Blake: *Hugging my arm* You know what I want when we get back~

You: *Chuckles* I know my little kitty, I know.

Blake: By the way, Weiss and I made up.

You: That's good to hear.

I hear that we're about to land in Beacon. I get up, much to Blake's displeasure, and walk towards the exit.

You: *Looks at Ruby and Blake* Come on, you two coming?


I was in RWB's dorm, waiting out the time for Blake. We were playing (Game of your choice), and I was winning. I was definitely good at the game, not the best, but good. My thoughts were cut off when Blake dragged me to our dorm. Blake opened the door, threw me on the bed, and straddled me. I am not waking up early tomorrow, that's for sure.

If you're wondering why I uploaded two chapters today, well it's simple, I had nothing better to do. See ya 🤗

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