The Abuse and Getting Adopted

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I was once a respected member of The Rose-Xaolong- Branwen Family. Summer(yes she is alive), Ruby and Qrow are the only ones who don't abuse me everyone else either ignores and/or abuses me.

Today was the day I was going escape, but things have taken a dark turn for me. My leg was broken earlier this week, Qrow and Summer tried to fix it but it was only temporary fix for me . They said they were going to try and sneak medical supplies in my room without the demons seeing them.

3rd Person

A knock is heard at the window. The beaten boy turns his head weakly toward the window to see a crow pecking at it. He gets up slowly to open up the window.

You: H-hey Q-qrow, h-hehe

Qrow turns back into human form to show that he has the supplies.

Qrow: *sighs and starts fixing the wound* I wish I could take you out of here, but I don't have a place for you to stay. Even if I did I wouldn't be there to help with anything 'cause I'm always doing things for Ozpin.

You: Don't worry, Uncle, I'm going to be fine I should be able to go tomorrow.

1st Person



I was terrified, Tai just heard everything. Qrow went infront of me in a protective manner. Just as Qrow opened his mouth Tai sucker punched him unconscious. He slowly walk towards me with an angry face. He then started beating me into submission, Yang then joined in because she heard my screams of pain. They finally stop a few hours later. Qrow woke up by then.

Qrow: *rubbing jaw* Damn that fucker hits hard.

He then saw me siting there in a puddle of my own blood and spit. His eyes widen and came running over to me.

Qrow: *very concerned and angry at Tai* That Motherfucker, I'll make him pay. I swear to go-

You: *gasp*

Qrow: *tearing up and voice cracking* I-i-l-ll g-et the med-dki-t, j-just st-stay w-with m-e, ple-ase

Summer and Ruby walk in horrified from how much blood is on the floor beside me. They slowly walk over crying with their hands over their mouth.

Ruby: *crying* B-bi-ig b-brwother, a-are y-o-ou o-o-ok-a-ay *sniffle*

You: y-ye-ah, b-but b-b-bar-l-ly, I d-on't t-think I-i-l-ll l-la-st a-an-y lon-ger.

Qrow: N-no y-ou-r go-on-na  las-st.

You: S-s-summ-mer g-o c-call t-the am-bul-lance

Just after I said that everything went black.


I woke up after Oum knows how long in a hospital bed. I hear the door open and Qrow came in with flowers, as soon as he saw me he drop them and hugged me.

Qrow: *crying* I'm so glad your okay.

You: * hugging back and tearing up* I'm glad I'm still alive.

I say as Summer and Ruby come in and run to hug me.

Summer/Ruby: I so glad you Ok (Y/n).

You: *still crying* Same guys, same.

Just then a guy Ive never seen before walk in.


He said as he run up to me checking for injuries.

You:I-i'm f-fine, Mister.

I say embarrassed. Just then a woman and a little girl come in.

Woman with a bow: Gira, wha-WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU.

She says as she does the same thing 'Gira' did to me, getting the same response.


A few minutes later we are in a boat to 'Menagerie' while me and the girl are sitting outside on the deck while my and her parents are talking not to far from us.

You:.......... So...... What's you name.

I say after a few awkward minutes.

Blake: Blake

You: nice name.

I say and she smiles.

You: Quick question, why do you have a bow?

Blake: It looks nice.


This is my first chapter, on my first story. Hope you guys liked it.

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