First day in Beacon

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First Person

I was just walking to my dorm. Trying to find the room number 345. Just as I was walking I bumped into somebody.

You: Ow *rubs forehead*

???: Ow, I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.

You: No it's fine, my name's (Y), yours?

I finally get to see who I was talking to, she had absolutely adorable bunny ears.

???: My name's Velvet, nice to meet you. *Extends hand*

You: *shakes hand* Likewise, say, do you know where room... *looks at paper* 345 is by any chance?

Velvet: Oh yeah, I know where it is, follow me.

You: Thanks means a lot.


We arrive at my dorm, and I hear something about 'filth'. I knock on the door only for it to be smashed open by a book, hitting me in the process.

You: *on the floor groaning* why must this happen now of all days.


You: *getting back up while rubbing forehead* Yeah yeah I'm fine Rubes. *Pats her head* You don't need to worry too much, 'kay?

Ruby: Okay.

Yang: (Y-(y) i-is that y-you.

You: *angry* Why. The hell. Are. You. Here.

I say while balling my hand into a fist.

Yang: *Crying* WHY DID YOU LEAVE!


I get cut off by Yang punching me through a wall and into the dorm behind me.


You: Or you'll what, use me like you favorite punching bag?

I say coldly as I push off some debris. While Blake comes out to see what all the commotion was.

Blake: *Running to me* (Y) ARE YOU OKAY!

You: Yes Blake, I'm ok, though I'm still pissed about this blond, hot-headed bitch over there *points to Yang, and gets up* *to Yang* Let's take this out side, shall we? *Gets punched through the window in the dorm* Or not.

I say as I fall off down from the third story. As I fall I think I see some familiar faces. I land right behind them with a broken nose, a few broken ribs and a fractured hand. Then I look up only to see Qrow standing above me with a worried face, then it changes to happiness as I hug him.

You: I didn't know you were here Qrow.

Qrow: *hugs back* I though I'd stop by to see you and my nieces. Speaking of which, I think I found one.

He says while looking over to see Ruby coming over a light speed with Blake following not far behind. Not even which I know how she does. Both crash into us hugging us.


Qrow: *Smirks* Nope *ruffles Ruby's hair as she pouts*

Blake: *quietly* I'm so glad you're ok and not paste on the ground.

You: *Hugging back and chuckling* It'd take more than a 50 ft. fall to kill me.

Yang: *Still has red eyes* (Y) COME BACK HERE!

You: *Sigh* When can I get a break.

I get up only to met with a fist to my face sending me into a tree, nearly snapping it in half.

You: *Gets up and cracks neck* Alrighty then.

I see her rushing me while using her gauntlets to boost herself towards me. While I bring out my chain sickles. (Me being the idiot that I am forgot to put this in the bio) She launches at me while I dodged the attack and pull her toward me with the chain wrapped around her roundhouse kick her a few feet away. I try to pull her to me so I can finish this and not cause more damage to courtyard, but she grabbed the chain and yanked me towards her and in short I because a human yo-yo. It was not very fun I can tell you that. It came to an end when she punched me so hard the chain broke.

You: *on the ground groaning in pain*

Yang: *Stomping up to me* Will you come back, punching bag?

You: *chuckling that slowly turns into insane laughter* YOU SERIOUSLY THINK I'LL COME BACK YOU BLOND BIMBO! *Continues to laugh like a maniac as the screen cuts to black*

3rd Person

All that could be heard throughout the next hour was insane laughter, the last thing that was a very powerful shotgun shot while there was a cry of someone to call an ambulance.


So, I've been neglecting this lately, I nearly missed my deadline for this. Hope you guys enjoyed it and if you have any ideas for the next chapter, I'm all ears for your idea. Have a good day/night.

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