The Mission

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Me, Tallon, Ruby, Weiss, and Blake were getting ready for our little secret mission to learn more about the White Fang. Ravage wasn't here due to him having a job to do. I highly doubt it's a job, due to him having seen me and Tallon having girlfriends. I can only guess that he went to the strip club.

Ruby: So, we know the plan, let's go over it so we can make sure we have it right.

Weiss: Ruby and I will go to the CCT tower and see the recent robberies as well as see how many of them were in Vale.

You: I'll go to the shady part of town, I have a few connections due to Ravage.

Tallon: Same with (Y).

Blake: I'll go to a White Fang rally to see what their doing.

Ruby: Alright, were set let's go!

???: Yeah!

We all look at the window to see Sun hanging by his tail. I run over to him and grab him by his tail while holding him over the edge.

You: I want you to explain why the hell you're up here. Right. Now. Before I drop you.

Sun: Alright alright, my Oum, I just overheard you guys saying something about a secret mission, that's all, I swear!

You: Hmmm, alright fair enough.

After I say that I throw him in the room, I then see Neptune standing on the edge.

You: *Sigh* Get in here.

I say as I grab him and throw him in as well. As they get sorted out into groups, I just stand there. Thinking that something bad is going to happen.

Ruby: Alright, Neptune, you can go with (Y) and Tallon. Sun, you can go with Blake in the White Fang rally.

You: Sun, trying anything and I'll tear your head off your shoulders.

Sun: *Sweating* Y-yeah, sure.

You: Good.


I was crouched on a roof, in my Battle gear, overlooking the highway, Blake told me that a robot, controlled by Roman, was heading this way. I see it running after Blake and Sun, until Sun gets knocked off the bridge. *Sigh* can't really do anything about him now. I see that the robot is in the perfect spot for me to jump, so I do. I land on top of it as it tries to shake me off, I start ripping panel after panel, that is until Ice Queen over there puts a puddle of ice on the road, the robot slips off the highway, me coming with it.

I'm behind the robot, Oum this is gonna hurt. I land, the robot landing on me right after, creating a massive smoke cloud.

3rd Person

Everyone saw (Y) get crushed by Torchwick, Roman looks up, only to see three angry Huntresses, and a pissed off Hunter. That is until everyone sees that the robot is moving upwards.

Roman: The hell is going on!?

Everyone sees that (Y) is lifting the robot off of him. Roman punches him into a pillar, making it crack. (Y) looks up, only for a metalic fist to send him into another pillar, this time making it fall on him. He moves the pillar off of him like last time. Half of his mask, gone, cape, torn to hell, chest plate, destroyed. He looks at Roman pissed, running at him, Roman tries to punch him, only for it to be caught. (Y) ripping it off and smashes it into Roman's mech.


(Y) runs at Roman, tearing off the front panel, pulling Roman out and smashing him into the ground, creating a crater around him. He goes for a punch, but is shot in the shoulder, stomach, lung, and through the cheek as well.

Neo: *Sign* Hello!

(Y) gets back up, only to get a sword through the cheek.

You: *Muffled* You better not hurt my fri-ARGH!

He couldn't finish his sentence as Neo pulled out her sword and stabbed him through the stomach. He is just bleeding out, in shock. He falls to the floor as he blacks out. Everyone looks at Neo, enraged, as she just smiles and waves. Blake goes to shoot her, but they disappear as soon as it hits.


Everyone is worried about (Y), he's been out for almost a week. The dance is coming up and Blake has no one else to go with. She's just sitting in her room, doing nothing. She only comes out for food, bathroom breaks, or seeing if (Y) has woken up.

I've published two chapters in the span of 5-6 hours, yay!! I'm so fucking tired right now, my thumbs hurt like hell, my mind is fried, and I might get arthritis, or carpell tunnel syndrome. Anyways, don't expect a chapter to be out tomorrow, maybe the day after though. Anyway, enough of my blabbering. See Ya 🤗

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