Meeting another someone

225 8 12

1st Person

I was walking down Beacon, to my dorm, to get ready for the concert tomorrow, I heard about it a few days ago, we already practiced it. Blake's going to be the drummer again and Jaune's another guitarist. We already have a song ready, just need to make sure they can play it.

You: *Knocks* Hey, you guys ready?

In response I get the door opened and Blake as well as Jaune walk out, excited. I smile at them and gesture for them to follow me, we walk down to the ballroom and get our stuff ready for our performance. I already see a bunch of people out there, I sigh and turn to Blake and Jaune.

You: Let's do this.

We walk out and we're immediately deafened by the cheers from the crowd.

You: *Goes to mic* Alright Alright, calm down!

(Fucking songs keep disappearing, I'll just name them, Adrenaline by Thousand Foot Krutch)

When we were done tye crowd cheered like a motherfucker, like Jesus Christ.

You: You want another!?

The crowd cheers so I'm guessing that's a yes.

(Riot by Three Days Grace)

We got fucking bombarded with compliments, yeses and cheering.


(I hate everything about you by Three Days Grace)

When we were done all of us were panting like fucking crazy, and we were deaf by the end of it, I fucking loved this shit, getting bombarded with cheering and other shit. Anyway we walked off stage, getting asked to give out autographs and other shit.


We were chilling in my dorm after our performance, we were tired as shit.

You: *Drinking* Ugh, my throat hurts from the first one, why did we keep going?

Jaune: I don't know, maybe from the adrenaline rush? Eh?

You: *Pointing to the door* Get your headass out here.

Blake: *Giggles* I liked it.

You: *Sigh* I didn't, reminds me too much of Yang. Speaking of which, where the hell did she go? She left after me kicking her ass after the hole in my cheek.

Jaune: I think she went on permanent house arrest.

Blake: What he said.

You: That's pretty neat.


It's been a few days since the concert a few days since the concert, we were all chilling in the cafeteria, talking about random scheisse

You: ............ And then some random fucker decided to shoot me in the stomach!

Blake: I remember that and I fucking hate him for it.

Jaune: Damn man, that's tough.

You: *Sigh* I know it is, fucking hate that guy.

Jaune: Who the hell just shoots someone without reason?!

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